A newbie

Hey everyone, I new here and I hope that this helps. I have two reasons why I want to lose weight. The first one is that there are a lot of health problems, especially heart related ones that run in my family so I want to try and get myself to a healthier weight so that I can help reduce my risk as much as possible and the second reason is that I want to get in shape for my upcoming wedding. I know I will never look like the models in the magazines, but I know that I am a little chunky and would like to look more toned. I have tried to lose weight in the past but I seem to lose my motivation after a couple of weeks and then I end up quitting all together. I am hoping that by talking to people who are outside of my family I can keep up my motivation and get myself to a healthier weight. The family past has me more concerned then the weight loss for the wedding.
