Joined 3 months ago-1st time online.

Heavenscentgirl Posts: 8 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!
I love this app for my new phone! Now that I have figured out a way to track my carbs, I think I can be successful, as that is usually the only way that I lose weight. It is amazing to me to see how logging what I eat can keep me in line. My actual weight loss did not start until April 11th, so I feel I am doing ok, but have definitely hit a plateau....

I am looking to meet with like minded people to help keep each other motivated. It will take me a llittle while to get used to the site, but if I can put as much work into this as I do Facebook some days...maybe I will have some smashing success in my weight loss goals!!


  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome:) I log through the app, and participate in the community on my laptop when I get a chance to pop on and say hello:) It's not only easier to stay on track when you have to be accountable and write it all down, it's actually a great place to meet people with the same challenges and obstacles and share successes!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    This site is VERY addictive! I find myself ignoring facebook to read forum posts. Plus I'd rather support friends here who are bettering themselves than read through the vapid facebook posts!
  • Heavenscentgirl
    Heavenscentgirl Posts: 8 Member
    @Ashlinmarie- I am right there with you about Facebook, I have several fellow artists that I keep in touch with as well as family so my profile on FB is pretty blah, and I do not mind. I do not like drama and negative remarks that bring people down, that is too easy, but I do like to play Farmville, LOL. Getting away from that one too and adding exercise for the whole body, not just the fingers :-) Nice to meet you.
  • Heavenscentgirl
    Heavenscentgirl Posts: 8 Member
    Nice to meet you Postlethwaite :-) I think there are some great tools and it has been helpful so far. I am already addicted
  • welcome
    i have started about two weeks ago
    and just love this site
    feel free to add me:)
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