Any 2011 Marine Corps Marathon runners out here?

Hello Everyone,

I was seeing who else on the board is running the MCM this October? It will be my first full marathon, so any tips, suggestions, or advice will be greatly appreciated. My husband is a Marine and will be on his 3rd deployment to Afghanistan at race time, so it seemed only fitting to run it. I will be following Hal Higdon's training schedule, and will officially start Monday! Lastly, if there are support groups on here for it, please steer me in the right direction. And if not, let's start one!

Have a great day and happy running! TIA for any advice given :smile:


  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Me me me!!! I'll be there. It will be my second time running it and my third full marathon ever. We have a support group on here called Fall 2011 Marathon Training (or something like that!)
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I'm signed up for it...wondering what to do next after it, although I've come up with some ideas :P
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    im thinking of doing MCM next year, thats if i can find someone here to go with me. Im doing my first Marathon in Chicago this 10/9.

    Please post on how the race is

    Good luck! Run far, run fast!!
  • ndanisek
    ndanisek Posts: 8 Member
    I;m signed up and started training today. I got a message from them on FB. Kinda cool! I will be running 3 times a week and cross training 2 times a week and 2 rest days. I got the plan from Woman's Running magizine.