This lady is challenging me!



  • wow im not gonna lie my legs are dying right now ohhh short shorts here i come


    Burning thighsssssss!!! I'm pretty impressed about doing it two days in a row like that and to be kinda honest the burn feels pretty good! Now, onward to day 3. Just remember to stretch everyone, especially after.

    deanadimples, yea there are tons of apps! I'm doing the 100 push up challenge right now because I am a weakling in my upper body. It's going pretty well (only in my first week, haha). I kinda like this challenge because it's one week at a time so it feels a little easier to commit to, at least for me.

    hadkins13, when you go to and create a ticker you also create a pin so every time you go back to the site it will show up in your recent tickers and then you type in your pin add miles or minutes or whatever you've set it as, hit next and it will automatically update your ticker on any site you've inputed the code into. (Ok, a step back, after you first make the ticker copy and paste the code into you signature box located between "My Topics" and "Search" here in MFP) Once your ticker is here all you have to do is update it on the ticker site without having to copy and paste a new code every time into your signature's code. Make sense? Sorry I'm not the best at explaining I usually need to show what I'm talking about...

    Day 3, sexy legs, let's go!!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Okay, day two down!!! legs are feeling it but it is good. I have found that I do a set of 20 of each during commercials. :devil:
  • dawbygirl
    dawbygirl Posts: 19
    Last night, my sister and her boyfriend ended up coming over while I was working, so by the time I was home, they were ready for a movie, beer, and Portuguese food (clearly, my sister's boyfriend has been trying to sabotage me!). I went to bed and then realized I hadn't done my last sets of squats and lunges. XD I hopped out of bed while my boyfriend was getting a glass of water. He came back to me in mid lunge, still in the dark, with the dog very confused.

    Him: . . .
    Me: Stop judging me!!!
    Him: It's dark.
    Me: I know that your face is judging me anyway!!!

    lol Dedication, y'all!! I finished for the day, gosh darnnit. Today is Day 4!
  • Last night, my sister and her boyfriend ended up coming over while I was working, so by the time I was home, they were ready for a movie, beer, and Portuguese food (clearly, my sister's boyfriend has been trying to sabotage me!). I went to bed and then realized I hadn't done my last sets of squats and lunges. XD I hopped out of bed while my boyfriend was getting a glass of water. He came back to me in mid lunge, still in the dark, with the dog very confused.

    Him: . . .
    Me: Stop judging me!!!
    Him: It's dark.
    Me: I know that your face is judging me anyway!!!

    lol Dedication, y'all!! I finished for the day, gosh darnnit. Today is Day 4!

    I LOVE this!
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    made sense, i must just be blonde because the one that is in the recent ticker deal is not mine and idk where mine is :( o wells, Day 3 owww
  • Ahhhh didn't do this yesterday! Was aching and had a horrible migraine all day. So today I'm going to try for 100 each... yikes!!!
  • dawbygirl
    dawbygirl Posts: 19
    Yesterday was my first "failed" day, too. I only did 40 of each. I blame the last missing 20 on being at the bar too late. xD Weirdly enough, I was thinking that maybe the first day or two would ache and then my body would adjust, like it normally does to exercise. But doing the 60 a day (plus the kettlebell reps I did throughout the week, which do involve more lunging and squatting) has actually made me progressively MORE sore. Not in a bad, "omgwhatdididotomyself" way, but in a way that when I start my first lunges or squats of the day, my thigh muscles are going, "this??? again??? seriously???"
  • phew!! this was a hard challenge to not only physically do but motivate myself to do as well!! It never really got "easy", that's for sure... One more day to go!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    :blushing: This is kicking my booty! I mean for real! it is burning baby!!!! Loving it but I looked a bit weird in the hospital labor and delivery waiting room doing traveling lunges! LOL had to pass the time somehow!
  • dawbygirl
    dawbygirl Posts: 19
    Well, I woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat that was full-fledged nasal congestion by the afternoon. I am the most pathetic sick girl ever. I spent the weekend moping around the house and having my boyfriend wait on me (he's such a saint sometimes, I swear) and NOT doing lunges or squats. I laid in bed Sunday morning before having to run off to work thinking, drat! I failed at doing all those lunges and squats and failed at keeping an eye on what I ate this week (though I still insist my sister's boyfriend was trying to sabotage me - took me out for Italian one night and brought over Portuguese takeout the next) and then remembered that there's another week!

    Now that I type that, it sounds a lot more procrastinatory and a whole lot less encouraging. Hmmmm!
  • dawbygirl
    dawbygirl Posts: 19
    :blushing: This is kicking my booty! I mean for real! it is burning baby!!!! Loving it but I looked a bit weird in the hospital labor and delivery waiting room doing traveling lunges! LOL had to pass the time somehow!

    Should have gotten your coworkers doing it with you!! I was finished my Thursday ones while I was stopping for a quick, late night visit with some of my sisters and got two of them to join in. :P
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Getting soooo much easier!! I really think I am getting some results!!!:noway:
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Haven't reported for a while but still at it. I find it easiest to do a set during commercials while I am hanging out with my family at night. Legs look more tone an pants are fitting WAY better.
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