How would you handle this (work-related)

ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
I am an experienced CNA and home health aide, along with home health scheduling experience. I quit job A as a scheduler on March 2nd for various reasons.
I interviewed at job B as a scheduler and hadn't heard from them so I interviewed with job C as a home health aide. During this time, I found out I will be having foot surgery. Job C hired me and I started with some of the training.
Meanwhile, job B called me to offer me the scheduling job. To not appear an arsehole, I sent job C a nice letter saying due to unforeseen circumstances, I cannot work with you, blaming this on my upcoming surgery.
I started with job B. Job B decided to let me go. I called job C to see if they would let me work for them and they are welcoming me back.
Meanwhile, job D called me a few weeks ago wanting me to come work as an aide. After B let me go, I contacted C as stated and D to see if they were interested. D called me for an interview to be an aide, however their scheduler just quit and being that I have experience, they chose to interview me for that. They offered me the job and want to pay me the most I have made in years.
So now C... What do I tell C without sounding like a jerkoff?


  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Exactly how you explained it here. When b let you go you reached out to both c and d, not knowing if or who would offer you the job, and now d has offered you a job you cannot refuse.

    Just know that c may not consider you in the future because that's just how some companies roll, but all you can do is be polite and upfront.
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    It is a tough choice . If you decide to leave and take the better job , make sure and leave the one you have on the best terms possible. Never burn a bridge .
    Follow your heart and pick the one that will excite you the most . When you wake in the morning and say to yourself , i really like this job .
    Be very honest with job C and say , i really appreciate what ye have done for me and the people here are fantastic . but i got offered a job i just can't refuse . I have being waiting along time for an opportunity like this to come my way and i have to take it .
    Any good buisness person will understand this and will be happy you are honest and following your dreams , because they would do the same in your shoes.
    And by any chance they act like Aholes , screw them and take the better job.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Thanks for the responses!
  • DragonShoe_GCole
    DragonShoe_GCole Posts: 137 Member
    Diem78 wrote: »
    Call and tell them that you've been offered $X amount-- see if they'll match it. If not, say, "I appreciate your offer but I have to accept the position that makes the most financial sense to me. Thanks anyways."


  • evilqueenT
    evilqueenT Posts: 28 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm an ARNP and when I went through something similar as I was transitioning from working the floor as an RN to my new role with a new company as an ARNP. To keep everything on good terms I had them set me to just prn at the job I was basically leaving. I did that taking some assignments as they fit in my schedule and turned them down at others times as you'd expect from anyone then eventually left them all together. If nothing else make sure you give notice and be flexible, if possible, with them to help them fill the spot you're leaving. I totally agree with never burning a bridge.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    edited May 2016
    I should also add that if I were to take C, when I have my surgery in September, I would physically be unable to work for 2 months minimum since I won't be able to bear weight on my foot. With job D, I can still work since it's a desk job. And I disclosed to D that I am having surgery in 4 months.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I should also add that if I were to take C, when I have my surgery in September, I would physically be unable to work for 2 months minimum since I won't be able to bear weight on my foot. With job D, I can still work since it's a desk job.

    My understanding is you haven't yet started c and you aren't debating between c and d. Mind is made up about d. You just feel bad that this is the 2nd time you are backing down from c's offer. The timing sucks but just be really thankful and polite when you turn them down again.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Yeah it's really that. I am taking D for sure. I just don't know how to explain it to C without looking like a flake/jerk/dingus since this is the 2nd time I'm doing it.
  • Erik8484
    Erik8484 Posts: 458 Member
    Yeah it's really that. I am taking D for sure. I just don't know how to explain it to C without looking like a flake/jerk/dingus since this is the 2nd time I'm doing it.

    Be honest, say you got an offer for a scheduling job which is what you want to do with your life, apologise for wasting their time, wish them all the best. They'll understand that (and the hiring manager will likely be a bit annoyed regardless).

    They probably won't hire you again, so don't lose job D.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Thanks again everyone. I value all of your input.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I emailed C this morning to say that I accepted a position yesterday making good money as a scheduler. I got a reply back saying basically "oh no, good luck and if you know any cna/hha/rn/lpn send them our way."
  • Erik8484
    Erik8484 Posts: 458 Member
    I emailed C this morning to say that I accepted a position yesterday making good money as a scheduler. I got a reply back saying basically "oh no, good luck and if you know any cna/hha/rn/lpn send them our way."

    Well done!