Help- can't figure out name of product

There's a weight loss drink/supplement in a black bag with pink writing.
Does anyone know what it's called?
I wanted to say it was skinny something but that doesn't seem right to me.
I've looked online everywhere to no avail.
Does anyone know what it's called ?


  • ryaneli1209
    ryaneli1209 Posts: 5 Member
    "Skinny Bunny Tea" fits the description, but there are lots of "skinny" miracle drinks with pink writing to attract women.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It may or may not be helpful to you (I know how intense wanting to rememeber something can be lol), but there ARE NO weight loss drink/supplements. What they do, is cost money and force you to eat less calories. You can save your money and just eat less of your normal food and get results, because you'll be eating food you like and not starve yourself and give up.