I Going to Win the Battle

This is my second week on My Fitness Pal and what a great sight it seems to be. This is just my second post and I am still feeling my way around the site. I have battled my weight for the past 30 years. Prior to that I was very thin and exercised a lot. then 3 children and three years and a very busy life had me putting myself on the back burner. I exercise lots but tend to be a stress and boredom eater. I am going to get my weight in a healthier range and I also want to improve my physical abilities with exercise and weight training.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • Tdance5678
    Tdance5678 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, and welcome!!

    I'm in that same boat as you, I used to exercise and eat well and was a nice size, then many things all lead to me not caring or not working on it. This is my 6th day on the site and I love it. It really makes you think . . . do I want to spend my calories on this . . . or wait and use them on that . . . before I would just do both.

    Good luck and I hope you keep with it!! I know I intend to.
  • laursed
    laursed Posts: 73 Member
    Same here, 3 kids and no time for Me. They are older now, but i feel like i deserve some attention too:-)