What did I do before I learned to run?

cammons Posts: 126 Member
I've been running seriously for five years now and although I don't always get in the miles that I would like to and life sometimes gets in the way, it's days like today (which was an unscheduled eleven hour work day from hell) that make me wonder how on Earth I survived in my pre-running days. Either I was a complete and total B*tch or I was on my way to being committed... my husband must be a saint for having put up with me for the seven years we were together before I bought my first pair of running shoes.

I love running, so not cool that I didn't know about it sooner!


  • bmiller211
    bmiller211 Posts: 222 Member
    love to run and we take one day off per week and on that day we are what we call fussy...I can't believe I ever didn't exercise!!
  • leftypitch9
    I just started running recently as well. I feel so much better when the adrenaline kicks in!! It gears me up for the rest of the day.

    P.S. LOVE you warrior dash pic!!!!! I just signed up for my first one!!! I can't wait for it to get here. September can't come soon enough :)
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    Wendy, there is often a part of each run (usually for about five minutes or so somewhere in the first two miles) where I am decidedly not in love with running.

    I had a rough go and had to stop running regularly for about eight months when we first moved to Ohio four years ago, that was a really tough time...I had lost my running group, my running routes along the beach (we lived in Los Angeles) and had to learn to run in "weather" while being allergic to trees and grass. I started back on the treadmill and although I wasn't happy while I was on the treadmill I definitely felt much better when I was done and the state of my lungs didn't get me so down. Now I'm a year into a course of allergy shots to help with the breathing (it has helped quite a bit) and back on the roads, although I have to go much slower because the lungs are still not very happy with me.