Need an in shap dad body!

erusnak Posts: 10 Member
I am 37, and need to loose another 69lbs. Wow that sounds like a lot! I lost 12 so far and man it has been an uphill battle. It is easier to run 5 miles than not eat chicken wings and pizza!

Need to get back in fit dat and husband mode at a target weight of 185. Currently weigh 254.

Any help, motivation and encouragement is greatly helpful and will be returned.


  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    I've started a post no cheat weekend! Join if you would like support over the weekend and in the future!
  • Shh_niqua
    Shh_niqua Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome! I'm just into my 2nd week on MFP and always looking for new fit friends! I'll try to add you! Hope you enjoy your MFP experience! Keep on kicking a** at achieving your goals :):)
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    It has to start with your mental desire/mind set to be thin/fit or whatever that is for you. If you say its easier to run 5 miles than not eat chicken wings and pizza then your not ready. When your mental desire to be thin/fit or whatever it is for you then you can abstain from those things and not even abstain but reduce the amount and frequency of them because you want it that bad. Now having said that im sure its easier for me as im single and live alone and dont have as much temptation and can control the amount and type of tempation(food) i keep in the house.
  • chrisfwood
    chrisfwood Posts: 37 Member
    Who says you can't eat those things once in a while, run the 5 miles that will get you about 900 cals at your current weight, sure the chicken wings are high in fat but also protein look at baked rather than fried. Go for thin traditional style pizza rather than deep pan, and be honest about what you are eating and what exercise you are doing.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Can you actually run 5 miles, out of curiosity?
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    From another husband/dad getting back into shape. It can be done. Just takes patience and effort. That being said, I have not ever excluded anything from my diet. And yes, there have been days where I have blown out my calories (i.e. 3 or 4k over).

    It has now been 5 months or so and am down from 255 to 202 as of today. Looking to get to 190-195 when I take a break and figure out where I want to end...It may well be there.

    I have dropped from XL to a M in tshirts
    Neck has gone from 18 to 16 for shirts
    Jeans have gone from 40 to 34 now being loose
  • scoii
    scoii Posts: 160 Member
    It's so much easier to achieve anything fitness or weight related if you enjoy it. If you take up a sport you like you could burn 1000 calories a week having fun, that's much better than swapping pizza for salad. 1000 calories=0.5lb ish.

    69lb can seem a lot but is that a 6 month target or 3 years?

    It's all about lifestyle changes. Make the easy changes first eg. don't drink calories. Add in exercise and fun activities and soon you'll see and feel a difference.

    Research calories, a pizza can easily match what appears to be a healthy dinner because of one or two ingredients. Learn to cook properly, you don't need that butter/cream sauce if you know how to use seasoning and spices.

    You can eat pizza and chicken and still lose weight, it'll just be slower but your more likely to stick to it.
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    Sometimes I blow my calories too. So I started reading everything in site. I solved the problem for me. Eat something healthy like 3 scrambled eggs before you grab the pizza. Then drink 1 litter at least half a litter. You may be surprised by the drop in appetite, just because that's what you imagined when you got hungry doesn't mean that what you have to eat. Mass protine in the morning and afternoon helped me endlessly. Also write long term goals, short term goals what is the best gain I can atcheieve if I meet these goals. By answering those 3 questions Every day in 1-2 srntences per question I found a lot of motivation. For me I want my significant other to find me as desirable and enticing as possible and I want to be more confident being active in public with my kid, sometimes I get body conscious because I doubled sizes after years of a steady weight.