feeling so down :(

j99li Posts: 421 Member
I seem to be having a lot of mood swings recently, and today seems to be worse than usual. I hopped on that scale this morning, and I seemed to have gained 3 lbs from the weekend. Then, I hopped on the scale again once I got home around 7 and I gained 2 more pounds.......

THIS IS SO DEPRESSING!!!! I have been working hard and got in 2 work outs on sunday and today but it doesnt seem to work :( I feel like I am getting stuck and I have no idea how to move on. Though the upside to this is that I am not eating my feelings....


  • Shelleybean29
    Shelleybean29 Posts: 95 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Keep on going! YOU CAN DO IT!! Tomorrow is a new day!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    OMGOD!!!! Do not weigh after you've moved around, eaten, drank, ETC. Obviously you're going to "gain weight". Weigh in the morning, ONLY in the morning, before you eat, before you drink. Don't get discouraged because you came home, weighed and you gained 2 lbs. You didn't gain 2 lbs. Your body fluctuated because you put stuff in it. Also... you cannot gain 3 lbs from the weekend unless you literally ate like 11000 EXTRA calories past your deficit. Okay? It's water weight from sodium or not drinking enough water or you semi-dehydrated yourself with alcohol. Work on lowering your sodium (24-2500mg per day), drinking more water (1-2 liters - 1 liter is 33ish oz) and not drinking as much alcohol (or drinking water WHILE you drink alcohol).

    Edit - most of your weekend it looks like you're not drinking even the minimum recommended water intake which is 8 glasses so try to get at least that... really though...half of your body weight in ounces should be your minimum. I've also heard an ounce for every pound of your goal weight...mine is 140, so 140 oz. Honestly I'm good with about 120 oz though.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    weigh only in the morning for sure. Also, you may not know what youre eating, you have quite a few quick add calories in your diary. When we do quick add cals, we dont see things like sodium which could be a HUGE factor. Learn and keep moving forwards :-). Dont forget to take your measurements!
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    First and foremost--- NEVER NEVER NEVER weigh late in the day. Weigh yourself at the beginning of the day when you have not eaten, drank, or exercised. Your weight can fluctuate up to 5 lbs (even without clothing) during the day based on what you've eaten or drank. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Try again the next few days and see what you really weigh.
  • tacomom
    tacomom Posts: 10 Member
    I am one who used to weigh throughout the day and drove myself crazy. Don't do it. Weigh first thing in the morning and then hide that scale. You have to break that cycle. Speaking of cycles depending on where you are in your cycle it could be making you have weight gain from water retention especially if you were drinking. Shake it off and hop back on the wagon. You can do this.
  • melhort
    melhort Posts: 31
    I agree you can't weigh yourself mid day EVER!! I used to weigh myself every morning and even that drove me crazy.....now I rty to limit myself to a couple times a week. My scale hasn't moved since I started MFP but......I keep at it hoping it will change! Keep your chin up and don't give up, you have lots of support here!!!