30 day shred buddies?



  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    Well done guys!! I've just woke up and moving my legs is a mission, they ache so bad! I'm not sure whether to do another 30ds, do c25k, or let my legs rest! I've seen a post on here where apparently Jillian didn't intend for the workout to be done everyday but people seem to have mixed opinions.
  • anne_driessen
    anne_driessen Posts: 55 Member
    edited May 2016
    HaleCry wrote: »
    Well done guys!! I've just woke up and moving my legs is a mission, they ache so bad! I'm not sure whether to do another 30ds, do c25k, or let my legs rest! I've seen a post on here where apparently Jillian didn't intend for the workout to be done everyday but people seem to have mixed opinions.

    I felt the same way when I first did it :p - I dont know how far you are along the c25k but if you are still starting out It might be good to try - and stretching afterwards will be great :p (edit: also fitnessblender has a great stretching routine to ease sore muscles)

    I do think that for people who have never done exercise before the program shouls not be done as a daily thing (you need to ease into working out) - that being said if you feel confident and good about doing it again then go ahead and do it :) Im gonna start today too (since monday is my running day) Level 1 day 1 here I come :)
  • Krissi1330
    Krissi1330 Posts: 16 Member
    HaleCry wrote: »
    Well done guys!! I've just woke up and moving my legs is a mission, they ache so bad! I'm not sure whether to do another 30ds, do c25k, or let my legs rest! I've seen a post on here where apparently Jillian didn't intend for the workout to be done everyday but people seem to have mixed opinions.

    That's a tough call! Sometimes working out again helps relieve the soreness, but other times you really do need rest for muscle recovery. Listen to your body! If you feel a little better after a warmup, go for it, but if you're in pain, don't push yourself to do more. You can always do an upper body workout or something lightly active like yoga instead :)
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    HaleCry wrote: »
    Well done guys!! I've just woke up and moving my legs is a mission, they ache so bad! I'm not sure whether to do another 30ds, do c25k, or let my legs rest! I've seen a post on here where apparently Jillian didn't intend for the workout to be done everyday but people seem to have mixed opinions.

    I felt the same way when I first did it :p - I dont know how far you are along the c25k but if you are still starting out It might be good to try - and stretching afterwards will be great :p (edit: also fitnessblender has a great stretching routine to ease sore muscles)

    I do think that for people who have never done exercise before the program shouls not be done as a daily thing (you need to ease into working out) - that being said if you feel confident and good about doing it again then go ahead and do it :) Im gonna start today too (since monday is my running day) Level 1 day 1 here I come :)

    Good luck with it!! Let me know how you get on, it will probably be a piece of cake to you lol. I'm going to try and do 3ds again, and if not do c25k. I got up to week 4 on it before but gave up, so I'm going to start at week 1 again, nice and slow to ease myself back in to it! Thanks for the advice :)
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    Krissi1330 wrote: »
    HaleCry wrote: »
    Well done guys!! I've just woke up and moving my legs is a mission, they ache so bad! I'm not sure whether to do another 30ds, do c25k, or let my legs rest! I've seen a post on here where apparently Jillian didn't intend for the workout to be done everyday but people seem to have mixed opinions.

    That's a tough call! Sometimes working out again helps relieve the soreness, but other times you really do need rest for muscle recovery. Listen to your body! If you feel a little better after a warmup, go for it, but if you're in pain, don't push yourself to do more. You can always do an upper body workout or something lightly active like yoga instead :)

    Thank you! I'll try and do it again and if my body says nope then I'll just do some light cardio :)
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    PUSH THROUGH!! I just did day 2 and although I couldn't walk at the beginning of it, I managed to do the whole thing and my muscles loosened up and didn't hurt towards the end. Go for a light walk before beginning to loosen up your muscles if you really can't do it, but once you've warmed up the pain goes and I was able to move, I just took it slow. No doubt I'll feel the consequences later on and I'm already beginning to stiffen up a bit, but things are looking up!
  • seomra
    seomra Posts: 69 Member
    edited May 2016
    Reading these posts with trepidation! just ordered the DVD- arriving on Friday so day 1 for me with Saturday- aagh!
    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    Good job!! I'm only on day 2 and I've never really 'worked out' before, so I'm new to exercise. It was a struggle yesterday, and I'm aching today, but I'm going to try and push through at my own pace. We can do this!!
  • groetzinger659
    groetzinger659 Posts: 47 Member
    Its best to alternate days for weights-if you did legs today-tomorrow arms. the best way to get ripped is 48 hour rest inbetween-for weight lifting. But I am far too lazy to rest so I do cardio on the days I don't do weights.

    If you have not been doing exercise-try the first few workouts with no weights so you can get used to your posture. The way you hold your spine/head/shoulders is very important so you don't injure yourself.

    I just looked at that 30 day rip on youtube-its doable BUT if you are really sore-bananas/sweet potatoes for potassium-it really helps. also soak in the tub and massage. The first week working out SUCKS. I was sore forever. But yes getting warmed up helps-also don't stretch when your muscles are cold. do running in place/marching etc for 5 min or until you break a sweat-THEN stretch. Make sure you stretch for a good ten minutes after your workout-this really helps ease up on aches.

    Good luck on your journey! I always feel more Powerful after weight lifting. I never liked cardio because I cant seem to breathe enough but weights I could do all day long.
  • palomapavlova
    palomapavlova Posts: 38 Member
    Getting ready for day 2 this afternoon. My arms are sore! @Krissi1330, those arm raises are what did me in too.
    Did my official weight and measurements this morning:
    Weight 196lbs
    Chest 43"
    Waist 34"
    Hips 45"
    Larm 13"
    Ra 13"
    Lthigh 27.5"
    Rt 27"
    Lcalf 17"
    Rc 17"

    I hope to see those numbers change in 29 days!
  • korrika
    korrika Posts: 3 Member
    I started on the 1st of this month too! I'm honestly surprised at how tough it's been... I just did 10 weeks with a personal trainer and dropped 3% body fat and Jillian is tough! I'm using 5lbs for some of the exercises and 10lbs for others. I'm trying to do it every day in addition to other less intense exercise (e.g. yoga) but I'm sure there will be days I'll miss!

    Good luck everyone and thanks @HaleCry for starting the thread!
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    Good luck everyone!! MKe sure you keep me updated on your progress, I'd love to know how you're all doing. It hurts whenever I sit down or stand up, going up and down the stairs feels like it going to kill me! Hopefully this gets better soon.
    korrika wrote: »
    I started on the 1st of this month too! I'm honestly surprised at how tough it's been... I just did 10 weeks with a personal trainer and dropped 3% body fat and Jillian is tough! I'm using 5lbs for some of the exercises and 10lbs for others. I'm trying to do it every day in addition to other less intense exercise (e.g. yoga) but I'm sure there will be days I'll miss!

    Good luck everyone and thanks @HaleCry for starting the thread!

    You're welcome!!
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    How is everyone doing? I done day 3 this earlier despite still being sore. Walking is completely fine, but going up or down stairs.... Oh my god!!
    My mum even had to help me out of the bath this evening as I couldn't physically get out I was too sore
  • Krissi1330
    Krissi1330 Posts: 16 Member
    HaleCry wrote: »
    How is everyone doing? I done day 3 this earlier despite still being sore. Walking is completely fine, but going up or down stairs.... Oh my god!!
    My mum even had to help me out of the bath this evening as I couldn't physically get out I was too sore

    Hang in there, it does get better! When I first started working out hard, I had to wait 2 days between workouts - squatting into a seat was sooo painful. But the rest days helped a lot - I was able to push harder through each workout after a little recovery. You are tougher than I was - you can do it! I've only done two rounds of the shred so far, went to the gym instead yesterday and today.
  • anne_driessen
    anne_driessen Posts: 55 Member
    Its good, about to go do my 2nd day (if my cat will ever get up -yes Im still in bed :p). I must say I do feel a little sore in my shoulders (since I rarely train those :p ) like you the first time I did thr 30day shred I was sore all over, But hang in there, it can only get better, after about a week of working out It felt great
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    Day 4 completed! My legs are much less sore today and I found the workout a little easier. It's the 2 minutes of cardio that gets me! I'm so unfit
  • dhickey5350
    dhickey5350 Posts: 3 Member
    I did day 6 of 30DS today and it def gets easier but also getting a little bored. I use 5lb weights except for those damn side lunges/anterior raise. For that I use 3lb and I still struggle! Lol but it does get easier. I read reviews of how hard level 2 gets! But I'm just taking it day by day as far as rest days. So far it's been straight through and being that it's only 30minutes long is nice. I didn't purchase DVDs and found level 1 and level 2 on YouTube and will have to search for level 3.
  • palomapavlova
    palomapavlova Posts: 38 Member
    I'm about to do day 4. Day 2 was really hard for me, I was so sore. Felt like I'd pulled something in my arm?Took a day off the next day, then did day 3 yesterday and felt way better. I'm going to keep powering through now until I feel like I need a rest day. Still using 5lb weights which is plenty difficult enough for me! Lol
  • palomapavlova
    palomapavlova Posts: 38 Member
    Day 4 done! Good luck tomorrow ladies! :)
  • Beverly2Hansen
    Beverly2Hansen Posts: 378 Member
    Mine isn't due to arrive until the 11th but I swear I'll catch up with a vengeance!