Lose 20 lbs by Sept 2016



  • saransaran
    saransaran Posts: 30 Member
    "Be stubborn about your goals, but flexible with your methods"

    Julia -

    I love the quote and I think it is excellent advice. I am down one pound this week so I am a happy camper.

    I have given up watching shows like the biggest loser and extreme weight loss. Reality TV is not reality. The contestants may lose weight at that pace for a limited time and in a special environment but many have reported regaining the weight when they return home. In the end we each need to find our own way.
  • reospw
    reospw Posts: 7 Member
    What a super challenge, sensible amount of weight to lose and achievable. At the moment I am vegan in the week and vegetarian at the weekend so I am focussing on using vegetables more and filling myself with the good stuff. I'm finding that it is working for me at the moment as it has stopped my sugar cravings and also very simple to say no to cakes brought into work due to how I am eating at the moment. Let's do this!
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    saransaran wrote: »

    I have given up watching shows like the biggest loser and extreme weight loss. Reality TV is not reality. The contestants may lose weight at that pace for a limited time and in a special environment but many have reported regaining the weight when they return home. In the end we each need to find our own way.

    Just this week was a news piece about that very thing... Biggest Loser follow-ups. Turns out all that extremeness only botched up their metabolisms and they were victim to uncontrollable gain-back. There simply are no quick fixes... but there ARE proper fixes. This group is on the right, proper path, woo hoo!!!
  • Jamidi
    Jamidi Posts: 233 Member
    I lost a pound - YAY!! I had plateaued for about two weeks. Started lifting weights so maybe that was the difference. I'm not up to anything heavy weight but I LOVE strength training.
  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    Hey all... I'm checking in. Heading into the weekend, I'm feeling pretty frustrated. I have been sticking to my calorie goal (not perfectly but generally pretty well).. I'm feeling frustrated because basically it has been four weeks and I haven't seen a change on the scale. I'm really at the start of my loss goal, so it is frustrating to see such a lack of change. I'm wondering about maybe trying to do high fat low carb for a week or two to see if it causes any changes in my body. I just really, really want to see a change and I'm bummed that for all this hard work, nothing is happening!

  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    SW: 254.2 - never again!
    CW: 251
    GW: 140
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    @ewunia99, I can feel your frustration all over your post today. :-(
    I made several changes at once a few weeks ago, so I can't say if any one change is working, or if it's a combination of them all. BUT... something that is new for me, and I'm convinced it's helping, is water. Water, water, water. I'll down 8 - 10 cups per day.
    Please consider trying something like this first before trying less-than-balanced meal plans. High fat, low carbs or high protein low fat type plans WILL nudge your weight loss... but they're really tough to sustain over the long run, y'know?
    I don't mean to lecture, I hope I'm not coming off like that. Our health journeys are our own unique experiences, there's no one single approach. I just urge you to try to keep yours, well, healthy!
  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for the post, @julia123xyzabc definitely appreciate the concern and advice :) water is one thing I get a lot of... I drink at least 90 oz every day. I think a big part of my not losing is I have a chained-to-the-desk type job, and also I do have hypothyroidism, even tho I'm taking meds to regulate it. I agree it might not be sustainable long term... I'm just not quite sure what else to do... But I guess I could try 2x work out every day? I don't think that's sustainable either really ... What a conundrum!
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Ewunia, I totally understand. A little progress can be sooooooo motivating... and a long plateau can be soooo deflating. Damn that thyroid and that friggin' desk job!! ;-) Stay the course, girl, you can do it!!!
    (90 oz water per day? Holy ... uh ... mackerel!)
  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    Haha, yea I love water and I pretty much only drink water and no other beverages... In one way the desk job helps! I just keep a big pitcher next to me and drink all day long :) thanks for your encouragement :)
  • sanamm22
    sanamm22 Posts: 35 Member
    Thz wk almost no weight lose :(
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    SW = 172.75 lb.
    CW = 170.75
    GW = 150.0

    Loss this week = 0.75 lb. Going in the right direction. Slow and steady wins the race. Every ounce counts. ~sigh~
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    sanamm22 wrote: »
    Thz wk almost no weight lose :(

    It's the "almost" that makes the difference, Sanamm. You weigh less this week than last week; good job!!!!
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    I'd like to join the group I think the goal is a good one that's achievable!
    I'm 5'11"
    SW as of 5/1 230.5
    CW 228
    GW 9/1 210.5
    Ultimate Goal 175

    GLo North Shore Ma.
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    Feeling discouraged. I haven't even lost an ounce yet since I started this challenge. I'm tracking everything, imcreasing exercise and nothing!! :/
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Wow I would too! I'm reading that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is supposed to help with weight loss. Are you using a scale to weigh all food so you're not eating more than you think? Are you tracking sodium...that was huge for me. I had no idea of how much is in some foods until I joined MFP! Also my husband & I eat out a lot & boy have I learned about hidden calories that I was eating with no thought. Lastly are eating too few calories? Believe it or not you need to eat to lose...for me l lose more on 1200-1300 cal than on 1000 because my body doesn't go into starvation mode. Also my rule for me is I dont drink my calories...even healthy smoothies...maybe after I get to my goal but I have more control chewing. Also working on not being obsessed with the scale only getting weighed once a week. I'm in another forum where some weigh only monthly & some who just go by how clothes are fitting...don't think that method would work for me.
    Hang in there!

  • Nixonlove
    Nixonlove Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! Need to lose 36lbs!!!
  • medicablasto
    medicablasto Posts: 37 Member
    SW: 156
    GW: 146

    01/05/2016 = 156
    09/05/2016= 156.8

    +/- weigh= +0.8 lb

    Apparenly I did awful this week... Gain some weigh but I feel so much better. I´ve been doing some weigh lifting so I hope is the muscle there and no fat gaining :/
  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    serafina57 wrote: »
    Feeling discouraged. I haven't even lost an ounce yet since I started this challenge. I'm tracking everything, imcreasing exercise and nothing!! :/

    @serafina57 I totally get it!! I'm also not losing, which stinks! As someone said to me... we just gotta keep at it. Every healthy thing we are doing is going to make a better, healthier body... I know, I know, people say the same to me. It stinks that the number on the scale isn't budging, but I guess we have to have faith that if we keep it up, eventually the number on the scale will move!

    In my case, I have lost and gained and lost and gained the same 20lbs... each time it gets harder. I am trying to do things a little bit differently lately,,, trying to eat a little more and trying to get more weight training in overall.

    Just don't give up! :)
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    I have the same problem with carbs. I am a celiac so I don't eat much processed foods ever. I was told recently I have arteriosclerosis in my abdomen. They found it from a unrelated CT scan. So eating cholesterol right now seems like a bad idea. I'm eating 3 oz of chicken breast every dinner. Even with all the new science on inflammation (I eat a mostly anti-inflammatory diet) being the real culprit in heart disease, it still concerns me. Information overload!