I'm over 300 pounds so I Started a vlog!!!!

Hello all!!! I started my own YouTube vlog today to help motivate myself to continue losing weight ! One of my biggest problems I've had losing weight is that I had become so good at hiding my weight (knowing what clothes and shapers to wear) that I tricked myself into thinking that I didn't need to lose weight. One day I'd do very well and the next day I would fail miserably at my diet. I began this blog because I don't want to hide it anymore. I'm over 300 pounds and that's a problem that WILL be fixed. I'd love all of your help and support along my journey and I'll definitely be there to help you along yours.
See you soon


  • lalasmiles1
    lalasmiles1 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me lalasmiles
  • luvamy200
    luvamy200 Posts: 25 Member
    Add me I just lost 9.5lbs and that took me below 300 but I am a cheesecake away from being back at 300 so let's motivate each other
  • missyshaffer82
    missyshaffer82 Posts: 30 Member
    Add me I'm at 299
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I am learning a lot about the troubles women have with weight loss. Some on this site call it "Shark Week". Some call it TOM. I just call it menses. It does me no good to call it "kittens". With the loss of blood and iron from this monthly event, the body insists on eating to replace and replenish. Well, that's actually the brain insisting because it doesn't want the body to die. Your higher-order brain can think, plan, wish and hope to stay on your diet but Ma Nature has other plans. The thing I think you might succeed at involves very accurately and very honestly documenting everything you eat. You'll need a digital food scale. Use this site to record all your food, and record all of it accurately. You can use the Reports function to see your calorie intake in the past 30 days and it will show the excesses of your menses. Make every effort to maintain a monthly calorie deficit, even as you expect to exceed your calorie goal for a few days. It isn't the menses that's going to sabotage your goal. It is you not caring to achieve your goal. You can do it.