Calories burned

I used my HRM for the first time today to see if it would work. I logged 1:25 hours of basic cleaning up around the house, putting away dishes, clothes, loading/unloading dishwasher, etc and it gave me a reading of 302 calories burned. I am curious if this sounds accurate? I set all of my info (height/weight) and set the activity level at 1-low. I am 5 7" and 180 lbs.



  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    if ur using a heart rate monitor, then y r u asking if its right?
  • katnz17
    katnz17 Posts: 45
    I got a heart rate monitor recently too and I'm often wondering if it's faulty because the numbers seem so much better then I expected. hehe.

    I just did 54 minutes of house work (mostly dusting and scrubbing which are on the more strenuous side) and got 301 calories. My stats are a little lower then yours but not by much.
  • pocha0704
    pocha0704 Posts: 64
    This is the first time i am using it and want to make sure it seemed accurate to others that may be familiar with this model.
  • pocha0704
    pocha0704 Posts: 64
    I got a heart rate monitor recently too and I'm often wondering if it's faulty because the numbers seem so much better then I expected. hehe.

    I just did 54 minutes of house work (mostly dusting and scrubbing which are on the more strenuous side) and got 301 calories. My stats are a little lower then yours but not by much.

    Yeah, this is why i am worried. Thank you!!!
  • Atthea
    Atthea Posts: 53
    It sounds ok to me !
    If I enter 85 min of light cleaning on MFP it gives me 320 cals burned.. I am tall and heavyyyyy !!! ;-)
    So results are quite comparable, that's good !
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    I have never logged cleaning but a hrm is very accurate depending on what kind you have do you have the chest strap?
  • naeswirl
    naeswirl Posts: 56
    I have a heart rate monitor I need to program. I don't have any idea where the instructions are!! And I need to see how many calories I am really burning during Zumba.
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    The thing about calories burned is that everyone is different. Not everyone burns the same amount. If your HRM is calibrated accurately then the numbers are correct. HRMs with chest straps are highly recommended.
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
    If it has the chest strap, then it is accurate. The HRM's without the chest straps are less I've heard. I have one with the chest strap.
  • pocha0704
    pocha0704 Posts: 64
    I have never logged cleaning but a hrm is very accurate depending on what kind you have do you have the chest strap?

    Yes, it has a chest strap. I know logging cleaning is controversial on here, but it was the only way i could test it today.
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Well i would go by what it said. Im not saying cleaning shouldnt be logged i just have never done it. I jumped right in and tried mine when i first did my zumba..
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I have a Body Bugg, and have found it amazing how many calories I burn just doing "normal" stuff like house cleaning and mowing the lawn. The biggest surprise? Shopping! I burned almost as many calories (400 extra) than what I thought. Since I didn't count it as "exercise", I didn't eat back any of those calories that day since I wasn't hungry. Which wasn't a problem, until I went to mow the lawn the next day and didn't fuel up! Ooops! I felt like passing out and thought I was sick -- until I checked the Body Bugg diary and "surprise" two major deficits in a row! DUH!
