So what do most of you choose as your goal weight?



  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I don't have a weight goal. I'm 65 and I decided to eat as if I'm on maintenance; the amount of calories I am willing and comfortable to eat on a regular basis for the foreseeable future. I set my exercise goal at minimum an hour a day, most often two hours or more. Wherever this combination of "goals I'm willing to live long term with" takes me is where I'll wind up.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I'm 5'7" with a goal of 145-150. I have been there before and loved it, anything less and i look like a skeleton with boobs. If i don't quite make it there i am ok with that as long as I look and feel the way I want to. Last time i hit goal I stopped logging and went back to old habits and gained a bunch back. Toss a pregnancy in there and i had to re-lose 70 of the 86 I had originally lost. I'm 20-25 away now and I will be logging to maintain and watching more diligently. I'm making this a permanent change.
  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    For me it's right in the middle of a healthy BMI. I know BMI isn't everything but I got close to being in the healthy range 3 year ago, and although I felt great, I still felt I could lose a fair bit more. 3 years ago I got down to 161. My goal is 133 (but minimum 140). I will then see how I look and how I feel and go from there! :)
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm 5'7 and set an initial goal of 140, which is right in the middle of the healthy BMI. I picked that number for that reason. I started at 210, and I'd pretty much never been thin - I didn't know what the 140s would look like on me. I'm now 143. I think I'm going to go to 135 and then maintain. It's good to re-evaluate near goal.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I picked my goal weight based on experience. That weight range (five pounds above or below my goal) is where I'm the most comfortable in my body, and where I feel healthiest.
  • paganvegan
    paganvegan Posts: 34 Member
    I am just working towards 200 right now but will probably adjust that when i get there. Apparently 130lbs is target for a 5'6" woman. Don't know if i would look okay like that. I was never that light
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I chose the top end of the healthy weight range for my height. Im about 10# away now. Im generally happy with how I look now, though I think I will prob aim for an additional 10lbs, putting me in the middle of the 'healthy' weight bracket for my height.
  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    Random number for me. Not sure if I'll ever see it. My doc has never told me he wants me at a specific weight. I set smaller goals 10lbs at a time so it seems a little easier to reach.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    My plan is to get just inside the BMI tent & get a body comp scan done. You really can't pick an ideal weight without an accurate body fat analysis. And that changes over time. I got married almost 30 years ago at 126 lbs but a measurement based test recently pegged me at about 118-120 lbs of lean body mass. Considering I had 2 full term pregnancies, toted toddlers around for years and even owned a landscaping business for awhile it's totally plausible that I now pack more muscle. Trying to be that old size from my past would just set me up for failure now!
  • Toribeth23
    Toribeth23 Posts: 53 Member
    When I started this journey I chose my "ultimate goal weight" based on the weight I was when I look back and think about when my body looked the best. I have always been a little on the chubbier side, and at the time when I was my "ultimate goal weight" I wasn't totally happy with myself, but I was also in High School and that time is generally a struggle for most people. So in all honestly, my goal is actually 15-20lb higher than what is recommended for someone of my height and frame!

    Knowing all that, right now I'm just trying to reach that goal and then see what happens from there. If I reach my "UGW" and I'm happy with everything, I'll go into maintenance. But if I decide that I can keep going, I'll set a new goal at that time!
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I have a goal weight that is still in the "overweight range". Once I get there, my focus is going to shift on different fitness goals. At that weight I'll be able to dance again, and I'm going to be dancing A LOT. That makes me happy. I will still be eating at a deficit and slowly working my way into a "normal" weight range. I'm just not setting that particular number. I need to see how I look and feel. My past behavior tells me I start to get a little nuts when I go lighter than a certain weight. So, the scale will be a tool to ensure I'm not gaining...that I'm slowly moving down. I'll measure my progress different ways, though.
  • GMAC2016
    GMAC2016 Posts: 249 Member
    My goal is to go down in fat until I have dropped about 80 and then transition to muscle building to put 20 or 30 of that weight back on but as muscle. I will never be in the "healthy" BMI range. I'm the stocky sort of build and to get to my BMI target it would be the same weight I weighed I grade 6. Seriously. So I will be happy to get into the overweight category and know that some of that weight is muscle instead of fat.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    My goal was the top end of a healthy bmi for my height, which was 137. When I got there I decided another ten would be good. I'm sitting at about 125 now and happy but doing some recomp. I have a feeling my goals will always be changing!
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    I initially set my goal at the top of normal BMI (157) where I made it to last time. Nearly there...4 pounds.

    But I'm not planning to stop at that point since I want to get to 25% body fat and I think that will be more like 140.
  • emmadonaldson95
    emmadonaldson95 Posts: 179 Member
    joobey wrote: »
    So do most of you just pick a random number that you want to weigh to be your goal weight or do you use the national numbers set for what you should weigh for your height and BMI? Just curious if my goal should be unreasonable like the lowest on the chart (in a healthy range of course) for my height or in the middle for the healthy bmi? I'm 44 and 5'6 and weigh around 144-146 given the day and weight fluctuations. I started at 168 lbs. Also, after I decide to maintain, any of you at this weight find it difficult to maintain this and do you eat more calories as listed on mpf?

    I basically eyed up a few friends and seeing as we go to the gym tomorrow I know what they weigh etc. So I looked at them and basically picked which one I'd aim for because lot's are quite a similar height