need help family visit with a lot of food and drink

I am leaving Fri to visit my family in the mountains and there will be a lot of eating and drinking. How do I stay on track and not blow it especially with out my computer? Help please!!! Thanx Wren


  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Read labels and keep a notebook and pen with you! You can track it yourself. You can do it!!!
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Also, think about what foods will likely be there and look them up beforehand to find out the nutritional info so you can measure it while you're there.
  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    Try to find out ahead of time some of the foods that will be served and look them up.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    It's all about will power.
  • harpalind
    harpalind Posts: 7
    Can you bring your own healthy breakfast?
    Can you exercise?
    Those things might help
  • MegaBlackBarbie
    Well first its good that u are trying to stay on track so Kudos and Snaps for u!!! LOL Well u should try and download the app for this program on your phone that way its easier to track your food intake and exercise schedule. If u are not able to download the app on your phone get a notebook and set it up as if it was like this program so u can log what u eat, drink and how u exercise. Its okay to splurge but make sure u do damage control as well. Have fun!!!

    Best of luck !!!:happy:
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Offer to provide some of said food and drink so that you know you'll have some good options.
    Pack some of your own snacks - take a tip from Scarlett O'Hara and eat some of your own food before the group meal to help keep the appetite in check.
    Eat the foods you really want, but mind your portion size.
    Eat slow, savor every bite, put your fork down while you chew, drink a lot of water.
    Chew gum between meals if they're putting out lots of tempting snacks.
    Go hiking in the mountains if your regular exercise isn't an option - invite family members along to keep you company...they could probably stand some exercise too.
    Smile, relax and enjoy the time with your family - don't let food become an issue - If they "insist", (families are famous for doing that) and you don't want to hurt their feelings, agree to a super small portion "maybe just a taste", and just nibble at it if the calories are going to be an issue. OR - be very upfront about your goals and enlist their help and support to keep you on track.

    Good luck and have a wonderful visit with the family!
  • lnforner
    lnforner Posts: 29 Member
    i like what harp mentioned - can you pack some of your own food?