how long does it take to adjust to smaller portions?

Viewparadise Posts: 34
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm sure it's personal for everyone, but I would find it interesting to see what others have to say. I know that after a while you get used to smaller portions, but how long do you have to wait before you don't feel unsatisified with less?


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    you can pretty much eat all the veggies you want without adding much calories. so eat till you feel full on veggie, cut the starches and protein though.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    double post
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    idk, i think im used to eating smaller portions, but im still hungry, at the same time i cant eat a full 2000 or even 1700calories now that i eat sohealthy, because thats a crapload of fruit/veggies and chicken, lol. i think mostly its a mind game.
  • Dahlface13
    Dahlface13 Posts: 65 Member
    Within a week or two I wasn't missing huge meals. Part of it probably depends on what it is tho. I made pasta last night with whole-wheat noodles and I know that by substituting whole wheat for regular noodles and supplementing with veggies contributed to how satisfied I felt with the meal.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I adjusted pretty quickly by being aware of not being hungry anymore versus eating until I was full :)
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    I don't really remember how long it took, but I do know that as I focused on being more mindful (eating slower, really chewing, setting my fork down, etc.) I learned to recognize I was full/satisfied, before I was STUFFED. Rather than just wolfing food down, I try to enjoy it.....and it helps.

    I also do eat my veggies/salad first and often drink some water prior to a meal...all of those things help me to feel satisfied sooner.

    I've also found that (most of the time) exercise is a bit of an appetite suppressant for me....there are days when working out does make me ravenous, but most of the time, the opposite is true.....

    I also have to sort out if I am really, truly hungry or bored, or upset or stressed before I eat.....that makes a difference for me too.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Are you eating whole grains, veggies, beans?

    The portions are smaller, yes, but they will fill you up. If you are eating processed or empty calorie foods with no redeeming qualities, then no, you are not going to be satisfied. You'll always be looking for something else to eat.

    Good luck!
  • I've been doing MFP for 3 weeks now.....I felt hunger pretty much 24/7 the first week, but it's definitely gotten much easier. I have even found that I get full much faster now.....for me, it was learning to stop eating when I was no longer hungry, not keep eating until I was FULL.
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    It took about a week for me to get used to it, although I guess it would depend on how much your stomach is already stretched. I find that if I overdo it on the weekend then I am less satisfied with my regular smaller portions during the first few days of the week again. Chug that water when you can and it will help. Eat your veggies first, and eat slowly if you can.
  • Me personally was about 2-3 weeks before I didn't feel hungry all the time. Over 3 mths I have SLOWLY changed my eating habits and now I pig out on some veggies. lol It took me a little bit for them to satisfy me tho. Stick with it, it will happen. :smile:
  • JaimeLas
    JaimeLas Posts: 4
    It took me about a week to adjust to smaller portions and not to feel ridiculously hungry all the time. I bought some sugar-free Icebreakers Sours to keep me from munching mindlessly too.
  • hanharr
    hanharr Posts: 9
    after a couple weeks i got used to eating 1200-1500 calories, but i've never had a problem with overeating, just eating unhealthy foods, so that might be why! i wasn't really cutting out that many calories.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Smaller portions was an easy one, about a week or two.. but that wasn't my down fall in the diet world. Mine was desserts... and I still am not in control,. so every couple months I "fast" for lack of better words and don't have dessert for a whole month.

    This helps me a ton and I have progressed a ton!
  • mpchaplin
    mpchaplin Posts: 19
    I read somewhere that it takes about 2 weeks to make something a habit. From experience, however, I think it takes about one week to stop feeling deprived. I really think it's mostly mental because as you continue to limit calories you start to see the portion sizes that you TRULY need to survive.
  • Thanks guys! Lots of very good points made here. I don't like veggies unless they are on pizza, but I am working on that. I did have an entire cucumber and a cup of mushrooms today. Didn't put any dressing on them either. Just a little salt and mustard. I do need to get better about that. Thanks for the advice! I love this message board and I am so glad I found it!! I added the MFP app to my phone in Feb and have played aroud with it for a while, but wasn't really serious. This is the first week I've been reading the message board. SO GLAD I am now on here with you all!!
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    No time at all once you realize that your finally eating like a normal person. Chances are your eating twice the size portion as we were eating 20 years ago. Here is a cool website that shows you then and now. It takes alot of discipline to eat normal after eating like a pig for a LONG time. I will tell you this. I love food but what i love more is looking around me when i'm out in public and seeing all those FAT people and not being one of them anymore. The amount of obesity in America is disgusting. And its not without cost as you see all these folks with diabetis or other diseases they developed from simply consuming to much food and drink over the years.
  • No time at all once you realize that your finally eating like a normal person. Chances are your eating twice the size portion as we were eating 20 years ago. Here is a cool website that shows you then and now. It takes alot of discipline to eat normal after eating like a pig for a LONG time. I will tell you this. I love food but what i love more is looking around me when i'm out in public and seeing all those FAT people and not being one of them anymore. The amount of obesity in America is disgusting. And its not without cost as you see all these folks with diabetis or other diseases they developed from simply consuming to much food and drink over the years.

    WOW.....I agree with your points on discipline and portion size, but seeing as how I am still currently one of the "FAT" people that make you so happy with your new self, I find your posting a bit harsh. You can't tell by looking at me yet that I am working hard to be healthier, so you would just look at me and think how disgusting I am. But that is okay because while I will someday be slimmer and healthier, you will most likely still be rude and judgemental.
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