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hilde45 Posts: 8 Member
I can not seem to get to 1200 calories to save my soul. Just once in a while. But not loosing much either.
Maybe I am not eating enough.
When I was on Chemo in 09 I lost 20 lbs and now they found me again LOL.
Any suggestions. ?


  • Melissabarnhill
    Hang in there- most recently kicking the diet soda has helped me:)
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    I seem to have the same problem! Believe me!! When you figure it out...let me know! :wink:
  • ElizabethLindsey
    Not sure what your measurements are but 1200 calories is the bare minimum for women. You may need to bump it up some. 1200 will just about throw you into starvation mode if you aren't careful.
  • babyrabbit
    If you reach 1200 do some kind of exercise to bring the number under the 1200 and let it stay there.I lost 30lbs doing that and also Zumba and thats a very good workout