
LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
While looking for workout videos on YouTube, I came across some for rebounding. They looked doable but still challenging enough, so I bought a mini trampoline (Gold's Gym) and started yesterday. It was definitely a nice workout and so much fun. I have osteoarthritis, so being low impact is wonderful.

So my question is, does anyone have experience with a rebounder? There are tons of videos that I'll be using, but do you have any favorites?


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have a Jump Sport rebounder that I love. I don't follow any videos.... I just watch YouTube for ideas. Google Bellicon videos if you haven't seen them yet. There are also a series of DVDs (perhaps check your library) by Urban Rebounding.

    What I do is Leslie Sansone DVDs (sort of). These are walking videos with no choreography (I hate choreography). You do one move for a while, then do a different move for awhile. I just change my bounce style when Leslie changes steps. Enough to keep it interesting.
  • Stripeymitten
    Stripeymitten Posts: 74 Member
    I LOVE Paul Eugene with a passion. His YouTube videos are the only thing that have got me off my butt and moving about. He is inspirational, over 60 and a cancer survivor. I think some of his videos are somewhat religious in tone which isn't really my thing, but he isn't preachy in any event, and the bouncy ones don't have any spiritual overtones. He also has a couple of different ones on his blog, which you should be able to find by googling. On it search for mini trampoline or rebound/rebounder/rebounding (can't remember exactly as they are just saved to my home screen!).
    I know I sound like a lunatic when I talk about him but finding my second-hand reebok reboubder for a fiver and Paul Eugene on YouTube has been critical for how much better I feel and how much fitter I am now.
    I'm doing c25k as well and love the feeling of achievement and progress, but the rebounder is the only exercise that I love (apart for swimming, but I don't have my own pool...), look forward to and think is fun.
  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    Thank you both. I'm following some of the Bellicon videos now, which I'm loving. I'll add Urban Rebounding and Paul Eugene to my list. I'm really looking forward to seeing the results of the rebounder.
  • NatalieWellsRussell
    NatalieWellsRussell Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all- what do you record rebounder under in diary?
  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    I believe it's aerobics.
  • NatalieWellsRussell
    NatalieWellsRussell Posts: 3 Member
    thank you :)
    enjoying trying a new you tube video every day
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    I have Osteoarthritis in my right hip. Rebounding is perfect. I do supplement with Lakota Herbs Extra Strength Arthritis. I am enrolled in a program called YogaMed. Structural yoga, focusing on modified yoga poses that individuals can perform 1 1/2 hrs once a week. We all have different needs, hips, shoulders, knees and or hips. I have also enroll in a program at a sports clinic in Canada that originated from Denmark GLA:D (Good Living with Osteoarthritis in Denmark) is used to help individuals with OA to reduce their symptoms and increase their function. Prescribed exercises. Six week course 2Xwk. I am also investigating Stem Cell Hip rejuvenation. Hopefully I will be a very good candidate instead of qualifying for hip replacement. Good start, rebounding, it's fun and keeps us moving.