New 2 the boards

i'm lulu and i desperately need 2 lose weight. i have not been able to get the extra weight off, and i feel sick and hopeless. i joined this site at the suggestion of a friend, but not sure how this can help. just wanted to say hi. i don't have much to say, other than i
need to get rid of a lot of guilt, shame and anger...all underneath my weight! thank you for listening. luluneeds2lose


  • hopeforsuccess
    You can do is a struggle but you CAN do it - we're all in the same boat here and everyone is so postive and helpful. I love this site - I feel confident that you can too. The important thing, I think, is not to cheat (not that I'm saying you do but I know that I did at the beginning!) Good luck, feel free to add me if you like. :-)
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    lulu you can and will do it. be patient with yourself. take one day and moment at a time. Believe me, i was so shameful at myself 7 months ago when i realized how low i went but you know what when you stay the course, take your time, and balance it out, it will COME TOGETHER and you aren't alone.

  • luluneeds2lose
    you guys have helped more than you know. i appreciate your responses. :)
    i am hurting, and it means a lot to me knowing that others out there understand
    where i am coming from. thank you again:smile:
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Welcome to the site. Believe me, this site can definitely help. Start with the basics - set some goals for yourself, and have a look at the links in

    Eating healthily and exercising so that you maintain a calorie deficit does work - for some inspiration you may want to have a look at some of the success stories on this site. You can do this if you put your mind to it.

    Having friends to offer support and motivation can also make a huge difference. Feel free to add me.
