Evening workout question

I'm a SAHM to 3, and the only time I am able to go to the gym is late night after my husband gets home. The earliest I can get there is 5 pm, but normally my workouts tend to start around 6pm. After being Mom all day I'm generally wiped out BEFORE heading to get my sweat on. My question is - is there a supplement or pre-workout magical potion that I can take to help with my energy levels and stamina? Some of my workout days are a little long and sometimes I feel like I just don't have enough to finish strong. My workout schedule goes as follows:

Sunday - Run
Monday - Ab routine, Spin, Body Pump
Tuesday - Run & Pilates
Wednesday - Spin & Body Pump
Thursday - Run & Ab routine
Friday - Spin
Saturday - OFF

Any advice you guys are willing to give would help me so much! Thanks!!!


  • ChunkyChicTrying
    ChunkyChicTrying Posts: 6 Member
    You are a super hero, mom to 3, wife to 1, work out six days a week and your asking us for a magic potion?? HUNNY BRAVO to you for your efforts and all you do! HUGS to you for even getting to the gym, and CHEERS from all that you put in what looks like amazing workouts on top of all your other duties plus work....

    DO what you can, listen to your body when it says ok enough and have patience with yourself, and most of all forgive yourself for the days when you just need to take it a bit easier than normal...

    Much success and triumphs on your weight loss journey!

    Hearts & Hugs
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Make sure you're getting plenty of Vit B and eating slow-releasing sugars - like wholemeal carbs (i.e. low GI foods). These will keep you rejuvenated and capable of tackling the evening workouts - I'm an evening class girl too (although I'm not using as much energy as you during the day - I'm sat at a desk all day!).
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    You are a super hero, mom to 3, wife to 1, work out six days a week and your asking us for a magic potion?? HUNNY BRAVO to you for your efforts and all you do! HUGS to you for even getting to the gym, and CHEERS from all that you put in what looks like amazing workouts on top of all your other duties plus work....

    DO what you can, listen to your body when it says ok enough and have patience with yourself, and most of all forgive yourself for the days when you just need to take it a bit easier than normal...

    Much success and triumphs on your weight loss journey!

    Hearts & Hugs

    What a lovely post, I totally agree! xx
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I am not for any "magic potions" none of them are good for you, and the few that actually work, only give you a quick burst. I am a SAHM and wife also, (but only to 1 kid, so I know it doesn't compare, lol) but I am completely wiped by the end of the day too and I can only work out after my 4-year-old is in bed (otherwise I will get interrupted every 5 secs... I just push myself and get through it... usually as soon as I'm done I shower and pass right out... lol GOOD LUCK!
  • Stephaneggs
    Stephaneggs Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with her! It is amazing you can get one class or workout in let alone multiple. I have 2 small kids and work full time so it is hard to get it all in and evening workouts are tough, I usually have to gear myself up all day and do it immediately when I get home, so I can appreciate running out of steam. Maybe you are trying to do too much? Your workouts seem tough and although I am sure you feel satisfied, it might be better to know you can give it all you have and get one incredible class/run/workout vs. several less intense or satisfying workouts. Also, not sure how much you run, but when I was doing a 1/2 hour run, I would just make it quality and i actually felt better for the tough challenge, but sometimes less is more

    Good luck!
  • ruthwillis10
    not really a solution, but would it be possible to move to early morning workouts? I am working mum of 2, and used to try evening workouts but as you, never had the energy to feel I was doing my best. Now I run at 6am, so I'm back before hubbie leaves for work, and in time to get kids ready to go to childminders - not perfect, but I def have more energy in the morning (and actually like the 45 mins solitude before the day gets on top of me!)
  • JuliaD81
    JuliaD81 Posts: 33
    Aww, thank you! I used to feel guilty about taking that time for myself, but I realized that I need it for my sanity!

    Like most women, I'm horrible at listening to my body and am in denial that I am doing too much. I honestly enjoy my long gym days even though I'm falling over my own feet at the end of the night. The problem is that the gym that I go to only offers certain classes once or twice a week and I have to double them up if I want to do them at all. I just wish that the 'Super Woman' powers I've been wishing for would finally kick in.....;-)
  • JuliaD81
    JuliaD81 Posts: 33
    not really a solution, but would it be possible to move to early morning workouts?

    I've tried early morning workouts during the kids soccer season, but I find that I'm not consistent with them. I have to get up around 4 am to do them and be back home before my husband goes to work. So I think that in the long run I'd be more tired at the end of the day doing that everyday. I guess there is no perfect solution to my problem.