the 30 day shred. is it worth it?

Hi everyone,

have seen a few people talking about the 30 day shred and was wondering if it was good to fit in with a busy lifestyle and whether you actually see affects.
Have done some research on it and she has done so many other DVDS. is this the best one?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Happy counting!


  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Rough in the beginning. This is my second go round after a two month break,,,,,,,,,,,, forgot how rough it is at first
  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    i would like to know the answer to this too!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    i thought it was brilliant and got nearly everyone in the office doing it as well, but i ended up getting myself a personal trainer and to be honest he does more or less of the same things as that dvd but for longer and much much harder.

    I felt very firm quite quickly, and its only 20 minutes so you cant really find an excuse not to do it. But most of it does rely on how much you push yourself.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    That's a hard question. Like any workout it's not a magic pill. I've had friends that have had great success with it. My girlfriend and I did it and she hurt her knee while I didn't get any results from it. It all depends on what you put into it. Some people swear the gym trumps home workouts. Some people say the opposite. There's such a variety of home workouts out there. Try and find something you can return if you don't like it, and also comes with extras like a nutrition guide and a guide to doing the actual moves.
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Yep 30 DS is brilliant....I bought 3 and prefer 30 DS
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    I think its brillian as a working mum it is so easy to fit in the 20mins to do it. I am on day 3 of level 1 and don't I know I have been doing it, I have muscles aching that I forgot were there. It is hard going but worth it.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    do it, but do it every day and give it your all, and you will see awesome results. Push through the soreness and commit to it. Believe it or not, I started noticing toning in my arms and shoulders within 3 days. A lot of people don't push through and do it every day then complain about how it didn't work for them. You have to be committed, and you have to give it your ALL!!! If your all is the easier option, then do that, if you can push and do the harder option, definitely go with that!! I have completed it, but I do level 1 on mondays, level 2 on wednesdays, and level 3 on fri now just to keep my toning/sculpting/and muscles I gained during the shred. Can't say much about her other videos, have only done shredd.
  • Sophie2304
    In my opinion I just don't see how it can really work? Unless you're planning on working the dvd into your lifestyle for ever, then surely once you stop, the weight will come back on.

    I've recently joined the gym, as I want to go the gym within my lifestyle to maintain any weight I loose and to keep healthy and fit - even if it's just going for a swim.

    By the name itself 30 days this isn't a life choice.

    Without sounding to critical.. good luck to everyone who is doing this :-) i understand people are different and therefore what doesn't work for me may work for you :-)

    Keep it up everyone :-) you can do it
  • ts014
    ts014 Posts: 34
    I just started doing the 30DS this week and I think it is definetly working. I have been working out for 8 months now and have done many other videos including Biggest Loser Last Chance workout with Jillian. At first I did wonder if 20 minutes was really going to do much but it does because you work out hard for those 20 minutes. You could workout for an hour at lower intensity and not get great results. Its what you put into it as many have said. I also have a heart rate monitor and this burns about 250 calories, which for 20 minutes is not bad! I think anyone who has decided on weight loss knows this isnt 30 days and done. If you stop working out after of course it will come back, its a lifestyle change. So after the 30 days are up hopefully u move onto something else. Good luck everyone who decides to do it!
  • newtswifey07
    That's a hard question. Like any workout it's not a magic pill. I've had friends that have had great success with it. My girlfriend and I did it and she hurt her knee while I didn't get any results from it. It all depends on what you put into it. Some people swear the gym trumps home workouts. Some people say the opposite. There's such a variety of home workouts out there. Try and find something you can return if you don't like it, and also comes with extras like a nutrition guide and a guide to doing the actual moves.

    This guy said it all. It all depends on how much effort you put in it. I have friends who have put it into their daily routine and have lost double digits, I have others who put in minimal effort and only lose a couple pounds. Like any workout its what you put into it.

    Good luck!! :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Lots of people swear by it and have before and after photos to show the difference so i'm guessing it must work! As others have said though it's what you put into it, 2 people doing it may show very different results as they may not be working as hard.

    Of course it's not a lifestyle and you won't do it forever, as someone else posted, but it's like your weight you get to where you want to be and then maintain it.
  • olympian41
    olympian41 Posts: 17 Member
    I've done it - and wasn't a fan. I personally prefer more intense workouts like P90x and Insanity. I think the advantage of 30DS is that it's an easy workout to start with in that you learn the movements easily, and 20 minutes a day is easily attainable.

    But remember - you can't out train a bad diet. 30DS like any workout can be a spring board to wellness, but it's just a piece of the puzzle.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I love it for one its 20 mins, and i hurt after! and second i fill guilty going to the gym every night when i want to be with my daughter so it is perfect, plus shes 13 months and she likes to help me =o)
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I LOVE 30 Day Shred!! I am a mother of 3 girls and anything that is quick and gets results I love!! So 20 min and I am DONE SWEAT DRIPPING/POURING off my nose LOL(NO REALLY)it is great! I am on day17 Level2 and I have not lost weight but I ahve lost a bunch of inches(as of last week 8) I can see a BIG difference in my legs getting toned and my body dosn't jiggle as much anymore!I have herd that the weight starts to come off on Level3 the last 10 days!So to answer your question YES 30 day shred is worth buying!!!:smile:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I am on day 7 today and so far I am seeing a difference in my body and endurance! It is REALLY rough the first days to the point where I wasn't able to even stand up without hurting the next day after day 1.
    It is a tad rough on the knees. I end up with sore knees but overall, so far so good!
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    ive finished it and now moved onto six week six pack, my profile pics hopefully speaks for itself, ive gone from a size 10 to a 6 and lost over 20 inches allover! its well worth it, as long as your eating properly too
  • emmadrama
    emmadrama Posts: 53 Member
    thanks for all the info guys. i think i'm gonna go for it. and maybe wear knee supports!
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I think it's definitely worth it. Especially for those of us that were "beginners" and not ready for Insanity/P90X, etc.

    My knees KILLED at first. But part of it was form (which got better) and just gaining strength/agility.

    I'm 60-70 over weight and I thought it was great for motivation. I saw results right away and now I when I look at my arms I'm surprised that I'm seeing definite toning. I was weak in upper body so this DVD really helped me get some base strength. I still do walk/run intervals for cardio.

    I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to get started with strength. After 30 days I'm ready to move onto something else because I've seen how far I've come. It's rough the first few days but then you notice your body adjusting!
  • cianna11
    cianna11 Posts: 19
    In my opinion I just don't see how it can really work? Unless you're planning on working the dvd into your lifestyle for ever, then surely once you stop, the weight will come back on.

    I've recently joined the gym, as I want to go the gym within my lifestyle to maintain any weight I loose and to keep healthy and fit - even if it's just going for a swim.

    By the name itself 30 days this isn't a life choice.

    Without sounding to critical.. good luck to everyone who is doing this :-) i understand people are different and therefore what doesn't work for me may work for you :-)

    Keep it up everyone :-) you can do it

    I think it is a very good place to start!
    I am on day 3 of level 2 and it KILLS ME but its 25 minutes and for that it is easy to fit in. I dont think it's a case of starting it then having to do it forever. You could say the same about the gym I guess. I couldnt walk the first 4 days but my legs do not hurt in the slightest now. If anything, it's my back that is starting to play up with all the planks. I would recommend it. I know that I will finish it as there is no way i want to go through the Level 1 hell of not being able to go to the bathroom without haging onto the wall. I have never finished any sort of exercise programme in my life but oh lordy I am going to finish this. :wink:
  • sdj13
    sdj13 Posts: 23
    30 Day Shred is great and probably the best Jillian DVD for beginners since it's only 20 minutes of real working out and she doesn't do anything that's too too crazy (not that the workout isn't great). I did it back in September and lost 10ish pounds and was not eating perfectly (although I had just moved home after college, so my lifestyle compared to the last 4 years was MUCH healther). that being said, i didn't allow myself to skip days and on the couple occasions where it was avoidable, i doubled up so that by the end of 30 days i had actually done the workouts a little over 30 times (did level 1 and level 2 back to back a couple times and it was killer but felt GREAT). like one poster said, it's not somethng you'll continue to do for the rest of your life, but i think it's a great way to kick off weight loss and healthy living. after 30ds I moved on to couch25k, then Jillians No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (I LOVE these dvds but they are 50 minutes and you could get discouraged if you're just starting out). I've also dabbled with 6 week 6 pack and ripped in 30, but i actually just started another round of 30ds yesterday! so really, there are enough Jillian DVDs out there that you CAN make it apart of your new lifestyle. and if you do I am certain you will see results :).