Ready to make some changes

cmreifsnyder71 Posts: 1 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
B) feeling positive. Recorded every bit of food and beverage I consumed today; that seems to be the worst part to me. I've tried ww more times than I can count without success. I ate great and exercised for 10 straight months last year and only lost 20lbs. I got so depressed I went back to stuffing my face and barely exercising. Now I gained the weight back and my body is in pain. I am convinced I have something medically wrong with me. Need to make a Dr appt and get some more thorough thyroid testing done. Any advice is welcome!


  • jjedrey
    jjedrey Posts: 7 Member
    Best of luck to you! A few random thoughts come to mind...
    • Don't weigh yourself every day. No more than once a week!
    • Don't be discouraged if you backslide a little; in fact, have an occasional cheat meal or even day. It can give you something to look forward to, and help you keep on goal the rest of the time.
    • Don't expect that what works for others will work for you. Everybody is different. Oh, and what may have worked for you 3 or 4 years ago may not work now (and vice versa).
    • Stay away from soda and sugar!
    • I can say (at least for me) this journey is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Clean, whole foods make a difference.
    • Set small goals, don't think about how you need to lose 100 lbs (or whatever). Break it up into small victories.
    • Remember that water weight can have a fairly sizeable +/- impact on what the scale reads (which is another reason to weigh yourself just once a week). Excess sodium will cause water retention, and, ironically, under-hydration can cause it as well. Drink lots of water every day! So far today I've had well over a gallon.
    • Remember that however bad you think you look and feel, there are literally millions of people out there that would KILL to look like, or feel like, you.
    • Definitely have that thyroid checked. Hypothyroid can really make it tough on you.
    • Don't freak out if the scale shows you gained weight. It doesn't necessarily mean you gained fat!
    • Keep that food diary going even if you eat something you shouldn't, and don't beat yourself up about it.
    • Stay strong and don't give up!

  • Sandee_Bee
    Sandee_Bee Posts: 21 Member
    Good luck to you, we are in the same boat!
  • jaeemtea
    jaeemtea Posts: 33 Member
    It is a very good idea to get your thyroid checked. It's amazing how important you thyroid actually is for your entire body. I'm on medication to keep my thyroid in check. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease back in 2013. I wish you all the best.
  • Tiffs_Journey2016
    Tiffs_Journey2016 Posts: 4 Member
    If you ate 100 percent perfect , scientifically you should have lost a lot more (this depends on how much you weigh of course). Did you track everyday? Because you may have been eating a lot more than what you think you did. I do this all the time. Tracking every single thing (seasonings, oils, condiments)is important and I always seem to skip out on tracking those little things so I knew why I wasn't losing weight but your situation could be different. Also little cheat snacks or meals adds up if you had any. Achieving your calorie goal everyday for 10 months should have made you lose more. But like I said It depends on how much you weigh though because weight-loss is different for everyone considering how much they weigh and their activity levels. 20 pounds in 10 months is a lot of weight if your only needing to lose about 30 pounds or so, however, if you are like 100 pounds or more overweight then you should have lost a lot more. This could be a thyroid problem like you mentioned or maybe some medications you are taking are making you gain weight? Do you stress a lot? I'm not sure but you should definitively go see a doctor because for working hard for 10 months straight while meeting your calorie goals and working out you should have lost more. I hope you find the answers! keep us posted :)