Just curious since I am working out more than ever, eating less and doing everything I should be doing and STILL not losing much. I am not going to whine again but I am wondering if there is a way to know what I am/if I am losing weight when my muscle is increasing? I was so disappointed this morning when it appeared that my measly 5 pound loss was vanished and a few pounds were actually gained!!


  • you need to take notice of how you body is looking xx
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Body fat composition tests. You can get certain scales or body fat calipers (probably more accurate). If you see your body fat % decreasing and your weight staying the same or going up, at least you know you're going to right way :-)
    Plus measurements, measure waist, hips, legs, arms etc. Sometimes the measurements go down, and clothes feel looser even when the weight doesnt change.
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Measuring tape! You will loose inches.
  • take your measurements and start tracking them... if you are getting smaller, you're doing something right!!
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    yep, measuring and bodyfat% are the way to measure weightlos (or rather fatloss) and muscle gain when the scale doesnt want to move
  • I've had the same problem. I've been going strong for 10 weeks now, have seen a dramatic change in my fitness levels (for the better) and lost a measely 4lbs. The easiest home test is the simple measuring tape. Waist and neck measurements can help track fat loss while quad and arm measurements can help detect muscle gain.

    My gym has the electronic body fat calculators which measure electric impedence, but I've found them to be highly inaccurate. The resutls can vary based on subtle changes in water retention and other factors.

    My trainer recommended the caliper testing as one of the more accurate ways. If you're a gym member where these can be done, it may be worth the expense every once in a while.

    Good luck...there are lots of us out there dealing with this issue.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Muscle gaining facts: Women can gain 5lbs of weight within a year of hard work and perfect nutrition... Men can put on about 10lbs...
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    it would take a loooong time to gain 5lbs of muscle. It's probably water weight or something along those lines. Drink lots of water. Other good ways to measure you're weight loss are body fat % and tape measurements...
  • Toots2012
    Toots2012 Posts: 25
    I have been doing INSANITY for 16 days...the first few days I lost 2.6 lbs, just to shorlty gain it back and then some. BUT I have lost 8.5 inches total body and I am looking GREAT!!!

    Toss the scale...its so OVER-RATED!!! When working out you build muscle which is the primary reason why you would see the scale going up instead of down and please understand that is perfectly okay.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I have been doing INSANITY for 16 days...the first few days I lost 2.6 lbs, just to shorlty gain it back and then some. BUT I have lost 8.5 inches total body and I am looking GREAT!!!

    Toss the scale...its so OVER-RATED!!! When working out you build muscle which is the primary reason why you would see the scale going up instead of down and please understand that is perfectly okay.

    I agree toss that scale and don't even think about it! I have been busting my tail for 4 months and right around the second month my scale stopped moving, I was frustrated and wanted to give up I went to the gym last week and had my body fat measured and I am at 22% and lost half an inch in 2 weeks much better then I thought since I put on 2 pounds!
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    You guys and gals are absolutely AMAZING!! Thank you for your help and please know that I have the highest respect for all of you on this journey. Thank you for your insight, as I am new at dieting. I was about ready to give up on this until I read your posts..(((((HUGS)))))