weird question

I just started training for a 5k and now I have bruises all over my legs, now I know its odd but I have not banged them up, maybe I would forget hitting them once but really I have 6 between both legs. Anyone else get these from running maybe? I know its weird but its the only reason I can come up with since they started the same time I started running consistanly


  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    any new meds??? that started happening to my legs when i started taking a med that lowered my immune system.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I'm not sure whether or not it has anything to do with your running, but I would keep an eye on unexplained bruising. If it persisits you should raise it with your doctor/ health professional as it can be a sign of a kidney problem.

    I dont want to shock you, I'm only saying this as someone I know only found out about her kidney failure when she was told to see her doc by her personal trainer- as she was covered in bruises.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Same thing happened to me, but I was on the elliptical. I am 90% sure it was from me taking Exedrine Migraine every day.
  • skinEme1018
    Probably unbalanced vitamins in your body. I would get a doctor to check them out. You may need to increase minerals or vitamins since you are training. There are many different reasons they could have appeared but I would seek a doctors attention and advice before listening to anyone elses.

    Congratulations on the weight loss!! Enjoy training for the 5K. :smile:
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks guys, I know I can eliminate it being a kidney thing cause I am donateing one to my dad in december. But I will go in and see what else it could be, I haven't taken any meds in over a month so I am stumped
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks guys, I know I can eliminate it being a kidney thing cause I am donateing one to my dad in december. But I will go in and see what else it could be, I haven't taken any meds in over a month so I am stumped
  • cha36jennings
    cha36jennings Posts: 99 Member
    I had the same problem and I consulted a sports scientist at my univeristy,
    They said if you do high impact exercise (high impact compared to your normal regime) then your surface blood vessels tend to burst resulting in a bruiselike condition. Apparantly this is quite normal for people who have taken on high impact exercise which your body is not acustomed to.
    the point is to be careful and slowly increase the level of impact in your exercise regime to avoid this stress-like injury.

    Not sure how accurate this is tho!
  • hapemopirate
    hapemopirate Posts: 68 Member
    I don't want to worry you, but I'm a nurse, so I know that weird bruising raises a few red flags. It could be really simple, like you're anemic and need iron in your diet. It also could mean something that needs more attention. Since you're donating a kidney in a few months, you should be super, super careful with your health. It can't hurt to have a conversation with your doctor about it.

    And, btw, I had this happen to me back in high school. Turns out I was anemic, and it was a simple fix. But I felt a lot better once it got taken care of!