i don't understand what i can and can't eat!!

Everyone has a different thing to say, don't eat this, eat less of this and more of this. I am trying to lose 50lbs but I always feel like i'm eating the wrong things! what is good and not good to eat? i feel like i've been at this diet thing for far to long and NOTHING is happening! i usually eat oatmeal or a fiber cereal for breakfast, a turkey sandwich on wheat bread or something along those lines for lunch, but at dinner I feel like I always do bad so I just try to cut back on how much of dinner I eat. What are some good foods that will shred the lbs!


  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    what do you normally eat for dinner? Do you like fruit and veg/salad - do you drink sugary drinks etc?
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    I just try to eat more veggies. Fruits I keep to the actual recommended servings so 2-3a day. I still eat butter in moderation and yes I eat carbs.....whole wheat.....I simply can't give up everything I love right now so I'm working with it in the best way I can.....You eat what works for you. We all know fruits and veggies ...chicken and fish....we get it. BUT if I want a steak.....I'll def have it with my baked regular potato!!!! (everyone starts yelling at me). BUT I make sure not to go over my calories carbs and def sodium if I can manage it. Somedays are worse than others...you will find a balance! Friend me if you want! I know its hard..
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    It works best if you don't make it a diet, but a lifestyle change. I eat whatever I want, IN MODERATION. No diet foods, etc...
    But of course it's best to eat mostly healthy proteins, veggies, a few carbs and even fewer sweet treats. Are you keeping track of calories in and out? Weight training helps you gain muscle, which burns off more calories even while at rest, and make sure you are getting in some cardio to burn off the fat.
  • sche1amy
    sche1amy Posts: 86 Member
    I eat many different things. I just make sure I do the portion size now :smile: If you want a serving of something allow yourself to have that is what I have found. If I don't then I found myself wanting it and having it and overeating :sad: So if your having burgers for dinner count every calorie that goes onto the burger. Give yourself a variety of things.
  • amorgan101187
    you breakfast and lunch sound fine. For dinner try just making healthy meals for the family, or if your eating by yourself try making grilled chicken or something. Look for things that will keep you full so you don't wake up in the middle of the night hungry and binge. I made lasagna and garlic bread last night and it was only 500 calories which is not bad. I make fish a lot which is good for you i prefer tilapia and salmon. I like to make salads as a side, veggies, and baked potatoes. If i have the salad i make (ceaser), a loaded baked potato, veggies, and fish it is about a 600 calorie dinner and very filling.
  • promiseskept
    promiseskept Posts: 119
    Really it is about eating the right amounts of foods. You can gorge and eay too much cereal and oatmeal and never lose. Its learning to know how much you can have to lose weight and making healthy choices. You sould like you are on the right track, its now staying within the calorie intake that matters.
  • LisaS519
    LisaS519 Posts: 4
    If that is truly what you eat for breakfast and lunch, I would suggest this: Lean protein like chicken, turkey, fish, leaner cuts of pork and beef but less often. Try to grill or broil so you don't have to use extra fats (although a little is fine and use a good one like olive oil). You also need to get some vegetables and fruits going. I would add a couple fruits to your day and lots more veggies, even at lunch.
    Are you exercising? If so, you may just be not eating enough. Just a sandwich for lunch is very little. Add a salad, a piece of fruit, something. And make sure you drink lots of water!
    Hope that helps. I know it's really confusing but keep plugging away and don't quit! It will work once you get your food figured out.
  • amorgan101187
    also i gave up pop when i had my son. pop is empty calories and such an easy way to go over on calories and add way to much sugar as well. water water water.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I lose pretty well on this kind of diet:

    Breakfast- Wholegrain english muffin with PB, Oatmeal or Special K with skim milk. I usually have my one caffienated drink, either a Diet Coke or Coffee, the rest of the day is water.

    10 am- Yogurt or piece of fruit

    Lunch- Healthy Choice Steamer, Salad, Light Soup, Leftover Dinner

    3 pm- Whole Grain crackers, cottage chesse or raw veggies

    Dinner- Lots of Grilled Chicken, sometimes fish and always steamed veggies (my favorite!). Also, if I'm making Spaghetti or Tacos or Chili I always use ground Turkey and whole grain noodles.

    I do the occaionsal bad meal but I always work around it with exercise and better meals the rest of the day.
  • tc180
    tc180 Posts: 1
    Don't feel so bad I,m eating what I want but just watching the calories Like Sammy1girly says don,t class it as a diet.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I eat everything i ate before i started this 'program'. The difference is, I eat the bad stuff way less often, and in much smaller portions. I love food, and to make this work for me, im not willing to eat dust, cardboard, and just rabbit food. Track your calorie. If you eat a big Mac, fine, but then have veggies for dinner, or burn it off.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    How much are you exercising? I usually just try to keep my carbs to a minimum. I eat them but when I do I eat them for breakfast and lunch when I have the whole day to burn them off. For dinner I tend to stick with a nice grilled piece of meat (chicken, turkey, fish) accompanied with a salad. If you like to pig out a little at dinner (like I do) take it out on the salad. Check out new salad recipes to get creative. If you workout on a regular basis try to find foods with high protien and low in fat. Hope this helps.
  • mandymauk
    mandymauk Posts: 3 Member
    For me it works best to not have things that i CANT eat. Just watch how much of it i do eat or how often. I've really been losing weight the past two weeks and have still had some bad stuff here and there. Of course i have pretty much cut out soda, except for an occasional diet or an iced tea. I'm mainly drinking water or milk, i think that has helped alot. I dont know if it is possible for you, but eating dinner earlier in the evening, the earlier the better for me, has helped alot also. Hopefully this helped you some. Also make sure you're tracking everything!!!!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    It works best if you don't make it a diet, but a lifestyle change. I eat whatever I want, IN MODERATION. No diet foods, etc...
    But of course it's best to eat mostly healthy proteins, veggies, a few carbs and even fewer sweet treats. Are you keeping track of calories in and out? Weight training helps you gain muscle, which burns off more calories even while at rest, and make sure you are getting in some cardio to burn off the fat.
    i eat everything i ate before too but also in moderation. The weight isnt coming off super fast but its coming off, and i dont feel like im depriving myself.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    When someone says "This is what you should and shouldn't eat!" they are really saying "This is what I have found works for me!"

    Yes, there's a confusing range of opinions out there - but not one right or wrong way. You'll have to experiement a bit (have fun!) and see what gets the results for you while being a managable way of eating.
  • StarryEyedGirl
    Food pyramid!!! We were introduced to this in grade school. Google it and do your own thing. Anything in moderation. Cut out the obvious junk! Don't let eating right overwhelm you! You got this girl!
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Hi! I've noticed when I have meals that are pretty small for the first two of the day I'm *dying* by the time I get home for dinner. Try having a little protein at breakfast with your cereal (I actually make my own "mcmuffins" with egg whites, multigrain english muffins and veggie sausage), then a little snack around 10am when I start feeling hungry again (V8 or a small handful of nuts for me (about 10-15), then lunch (try to have something with a little fat in it, avocado, piece of cheese, maybe throw in a nice piece of fruit or a small salad (the fat, water and fiber will help keep you satisfied), snack around 3-4pm when I feel snackish again (this keeps me from attacking whatevers quick and easy when I get home), have dinner, just try to watch your portions here again have a little protein (I've always been surprise how small a serving of it really is), some veggies, a little carbohydrate and make sure you've drunk enough water throughout the day. Try to get in some "gym time" (that could just be walking outside or jogging in place for a bit--doesn't have to be fancy!). Good luck hon! And remember when you get discouraged to whip out the old measuring tape about once a month, even if numbers aren't going down on the scale the measuring tape will tell you if you're losing inches. :)
  • MuchMovement
    MuchMovement Posts: 100
    Eat what you like within calorie limits. Never restrict yourself to the point that it's not enjoyable, or too difficult to find a meal.

    You can even lose weight eating junk food.... http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html
  • ritafay2011
    whatever you decide just portion conrol!!!!! good luck!!! have a Great day!!!!!
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    1) You can eat anything you want.
    2) You CANNOT eat EVERYTHING you want.

    The key is moderation, and finding a plan that makes sense to you. Ask questions like: Are you getting enough protein? Are you starting your day with protein? It sounds like you're starting with carbs (short-term energy source) which sets you up for a constant eating cycle. You need both - carbs to get you going, and protein/fats to keep you going. Few people need to actively add fat into their diets, so focus on adding healthy proteins and complex carbohydrates.

    The closer the food is to its natural state, the better it is for you. So a chicken leg is better than a chicken mcnugget. An apple is better than apple juice. If you're going to eat salad, the most likely culprit for "unhealthy' eating is the salad dressing. Salad dressing can turn 150 calories into 800 in a heart beat.

    Note: If you're viewing my food diary - My diet will NOT work for you. My body has been surgically altered so that I do not absorb 80% of the fat that I eat, so I can eat it indiscriminately. What works for me will NOT work for you.