loverly80 Posts: 5
So I have been at this calorie counting thing for about 3 weeks now. I had one day last Friday where I really fell off the wagon but I was back on the next day.

I have been getting to the gym, and staying within my calorie range (and not eating all of my exercise calories.)

It has been 3 weeks and I'VE GAINED WEIGHT!!!

I am just ready to give up. I'm so upset! :(


  • loverly80
    loverly80 Posts: 5
    Well, that was a little dramatic. I'm not going to quit. But I just need to see some progress to keep me motivated! :(
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    open up your diary, let people see and then we can rule that out. Are you drinking enough water, or eating too much salt. Sometimes your body will literally hold onto that water, then one day you'll drop 5 pounds.
    Have you take measurements, is there any improvement there?
    Keep with it, it's worth it
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Don't give up. Keep at it. You might be gaining muscle weight or more water weight. Drink plenty of water and I find changing up my calories everyday helps shock my system. Staying low without eating any workout cals back and then a few days were I eat high eating most of my exercise cals back. Good Luck
  • You sound like me. I felt that I was reading my own story. I* don't know what else to do but to keep trying.. Sometimes it isn't the plan; sometimes it isn't the food; sometimes it isn't the exercise. I have been frustrated in my marriage; and this Saturday my sister-in-law passed away. So hang in there and I will keep trying as well. The best to you.:flowerforyou:
  • sven254
    sven254 Posts: 4 Member
    You've probably been building muscle, which is normal when you first start out. The same thing happened to me. It's been a year and a half and I've lost over 40 pounds and kept them off.

    Keep with the program and the muscle you're building will help burn more calories.

    You can do it!
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    i know it's frustrating, but stick with it. i can't see your journal so i don't know what you are eating but are you getting enough protein and veggies in your diet? protein is something that really helped me...and you may want to start eating your exercise calories--you may not be eating enough. that happened to me--i ran 4 half marathons and lost maybe 5 lbs total that whole yr. as soon as i started eating more i started dropping weight like you wouldn't believe. also--your body may just need time to catch up. it's only been 3 weeks...sometimes i won't lose, won't lose--and then bam i lose 3 lbs in a wk. are your clothes fitting any different? that's my new 'scale' :) i don't care if the scale goes down, as long as i see some changes in my body. good luck--and stick with hit! you can do it.

    ps. i saw you're from ludlow--i'm from suffield, ct (near agawam/springfield, ma!)
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    Dont be upset!

    It could be many things weight can fluctuate 3 pounds in a day. Just drink lots of water to help flush anything out.

    I found out I obsessed about the scale which was not good but then I found an app called 'true weight' you enter in your weight as often as you like and it gives you an average. you might jump up 3 or shoot down three pounds but this app accounts for that and shows you your average weight and i found that is easier to work with then stressing about every time the scale fluctuated.

    hope this helps!
  • tacomom
    tacomom Posts: 10 Member
    Did you just start going to the gym? In the beginning you gain muscle and muscles weighs more than fat so you can actually look like you are gaining weight. Once the muscle starts burning the fat then you will start seeing weight loss. Take measurements as well sometimes you loss inches before the weight loss. Keep your chin up. It isn't easy but you can do this!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I've heard that you shouldn't weigh yourself for a while when you first start your plan, give your body time to adjust, you know how they say it's always darkest before the dawn, well it kinda works that way here too, you always gain 2lbs before you lose 4lbs. Also known as the 1 step back 2 steps forward haha. Just keep at it as long as your're honest with yourself and doing what you should, it will come off, also get your thyroid checked it losing weight is really difficult........just in case.
  • jterry03
    jterry03 Posts: 33 Member
    Well, that was a little dramatic. I'm not going to quit. But I just need to see some progress to keep me motivated! :(

    Don't give up. I have been at it about 9 weeks now and I gained a few pounds as well. But my clothes fit looser. Take your inch measurements and track those as well. Good luck and don't give up.

  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I thilnk starting is the hardest part, but since you've already done that, you are on your way! Now the tweeking starts. If you open your diary ppl can better help you. Your body is going through an adjustment period. Give it more time!!

    Although I didn't do it, (and now I wish I had) besides the scale, take measurements...even if the scale doesnt move down some weeks, your wasit may be smaller!
  • CDG1013
    CDG1013 Posts: 106 Member
    I would track your measurements to see if you are getting smaller. If you are staying within your calorie limit as you say and you are exercising regularly, you could be adding some muscle weight. It may take a couple of weeks to see the scale numbers drop, but I wouldn't worry about it to much if your losing inches. I have peiods of time where my weight does not change significantly, but when I measure my waist I see that it is still getting smaller. I would also say that you should make sure you are counting your calories accurately. I make sure to measure my portions using a food scale to ensure I am recording the right number of calories for the serving I actually eat. So...stick with your food tracking, stay within your calorie limit, and keep working out and you will notice the difference.
  • hillyhilly
    hillyhilly Posts: 20
    I'm the same, but I think my body has a bit of a time lag - I don't see results quickly like a lot of people do. It takes a good couple of weeks to persuade my body to part with any of itself!.
    Perserverance is the key, I don't know about the exercise calories, I don't eat mine but I am not seeing fast results so maybe I should, I don't know your age, it definitely seems harder to get any weight off now (early 40's).
    I've not dropped much weight in the past few weeks, but I have lost an inch and a half off my belly, which is where the problem was.
  • Yoles79
    Yoles79 Posts: 36 Member
    Are you lifting weight? If so you are gaining muscle. What has worked for me in the past is that I weigh and measure myself. If my measurements decrease but my weight stays the same or I gain then I am ok. Don't give up you are doing something good for your body. Just continue to eat right and excercise
  • loverly80
    loverly80 Posts: 5
    Wow! Thanks so much everyone! :)

    Later today I will figure out how to make my food diary public! Drinking lots of water and headed to the gym now!

    **Oh, for those of you who asked, I am a gym regular. For years I've done weight training, pilates and cardio a few times a week. But since I have started counting cals, I have tried upping the cardio and getting to the gym more.

    Thanks again, all your comments really pulled me out of my funk!
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