Looking for some friends to share our weight loss journeys!

Just started again after almost 2 years and I'm ready to do it right this time. I would love to make some friends who can share their journeys with me. Let's motivate each other and get healthy!


  • ParkingPeddler
    ParkingPeddler Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in! In June last year I started the program, and lost 40 pounds...then Christmas came...and well...I have found 20 of those pounds. So I am back at it. Nothing crazy or exhausting, logging and weighing my food, and trying to ensure i get 10k steps a day. I travel for work, eating at airports and hotels more than I would like...but excuses won't help me. Gotta stay on plan.
  • vasumodi
    vasumodi Posts: 23 Member
    Count me in! I too was here about a year ago and ready to start again.
  • JoanneMackey81
    JoanneMackey81 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds great guys! I'm all in. I have some exciting goals this summer and need to lose approx 15lbs more. I plan on carb cycling. Depending on my workout load. Will most likely aim for 2 days low carb, subbing to high fat and protein, followed by 1 day high carb with lower fat etc. So far it's been workout out pretty good and am down 5 lbs with enough energy to keep my training schedule on point. What workout programs are you currently following?
  • mollylynn89
    mollylynn89 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm in. I'm so frustrated with thinking every day about how I need to lose weight and how tomorrow is going to be different. MFP is the only thing that has ever worked for me in the past and I loved being accountable to strangers.

  • mollylynn89
    mollylynn89 Posts: 9 Member
    Same here you just get so tired of it! It really does help having friends doing it with you
  • mollylynn89
    mollylynn89 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in! In June last year I started the program, and lost 40 pounds...then Christmas came...and well...I have found 20 of those pounds. So I am back at it. Nothing crazy or exhausting, logging and weighing my food, and trying to ensure i get 10k steps a day. I travel for work, eating at airports and hotels more than I would like...but excuses won't help me. Gotta stay on plan.

  • mollylynn89
    mollylynn89 Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome it's good that we are not giving up! Let's keep at it and motivate each other.
  • mollylynn89
    mollylynn89 Posts: 9 Member
    Sounds great guys! I'm all in. I have some exciting goals this summer and need to lose approx 15lbs more. I plan on carb cycling. Depending on my workout load. Will most likely aim for 2 days low carb, subbing to high fat and protein, followed by 1 day high carb with lower fat etc. So far it's been workout out pretty good and am down 5 lbs with enough energy to keep my training schedule on point. What workout programs are you currently following?

  • mollylynn89
    mollylynn89 Posts: 9 Member
    Awesome! Maybe I can learn some things from you. I just started a little over a week ago on the Venus Factor it's a diet plan with workouts 12 weeks but if I don't reach my goal by then I will continue
  • DennisA70
    DennisA70 Posts: 115 Member
    I too am back after two years to lose 40lbs again. I gained them all back when I wasn't using MFP and reaching out to the community. I found out that by not having friends on here I was missing out on great motivation and inspiration.
  • missykay5
    missykay5 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! Need extra motivation
  • living48
    living48 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm certainly in. I just got the internal motivation to do something (again). I am on a good start and hope to finish a 12 week program and beyond. I seem to lose weight but gain it back. I need to find the "thing" that will stop me from regaining. The myfitnesspal app is great so far, I am logging my meals and exercise and I am confident that in a matter of time I will reach my goals. My healthy eating plan was suggested by my doctor which is Mediterranean. Basically lots of vegetables and fruits, more fish than red meat, limiting my salt by substituting with spices, and cooking with olive oil. I am making sure that I get in 30 minutes of exercise daily. Additionally, I am drinking more water and have sworn off sodas as they only cause bloat and increase my appetite. Looking forward to reading everyone's post. Good Health to you!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Been at this awhile, but had a big slip up and just getting started again. Please feel free to add me.
  • Ahzlandia
    Ahzlandia Posts: 1 Member
    Hoping 4th time will be the charm. Have always lost weight when staying with the plan, but seem to regain within a year, plus extra. This is my first time to post.....and look forward to a support group this time.
  • mollylynn89
    mollylynn89 Posts: 9 Member
    We are in this together it can be so hard. Let's make this our last time!
  • njtorres92
    njtorres92 Posts: 17 Member

    Well its about the diet to be honest. I lifted weights for about a year but I never really seen much results I mean I was getting big but I've I always wanted a Thor or wolverine body. But now I have a been on a diet for four months sometimes it sucks lol not going to lie but it worth it at the end of the day when I get out the gym and look at myself I feel content
  • kdarnell28
    kdarnell28 Posts: 21 Member
    Sent you a request! :)
  • kmoser83
    kmoser83 Posts: 51 Member
    Add me. :)
  • hungrychick31
    hungrychick31 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in!