very discouraged

Seriously weight loss should not be this friggin difficult. I know I don't track on the weekends so that might be where I'm failing myself. I have only lost 5 pounds since the end of March. It really bothers me that I have such a difficult time. I also don't know what I am doing wrong so basically starting yesterday I am back to weighing EVERYTHING, tracking EVERYTHING and EVERY DAY, and trying to remain positive. I saw a picture of myself from a few weeks back and I looked terrible. So I took a picture of myself this morning to keep on my computer so I can compare in 4 weeks. I redid my measurements and I am hoping for the best.

My DH and I need to lose weight. He needs to lose about 5-10 more and I need to lose about 15-20. So we are eating on smaller plates at dinner, I am fixing less and we are just going to have to work through this.

The only positive is that I can wear shorts/pants that I couldn't when I started so I am leaner somewhere :-) What I realize now is it is a whole heck of a lot easier to gain than to lose. So like Dori says in Finding Nemo...."just keep swimming."


  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    You are on the right track. I have found that you can un-do a whole week of hard work over the weekend. It is every bite every day.

    Losing weight also gets harder as you get closer to your goal and as you get older (not sure of your age :) I'm having a much harder time now that I am over 40. ugh

    You can do it.
  • jthomas327
    jthomas327 Posts: 1 Member
    I am right there with you - I've been working out almost everyday to Turbo Fire and counting my calories, but the scale isn't budging. Like, at all. I'm not going to give up by any means, but come on! I have enough weight to lose, a pound or 2 shouldn't be this hard. I am fitting better in my clothes and I feel better than I did, and I logically know that's what's important, but I'd love to see some movement.

    Unfortunately I don't have any good tricks to give you to help you out, but know that you are not alone. Keep working at it and I'm sure we'll both see results soon. Good luck and keep giving yourself positive encouragement!
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    "Weekends" => absolutely. I am certain that's where I got the extra weight in the first place. And even with tracking - it's always the weekends where I have to be really careful and all too often overshoot the quota.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I treat the weekends like the week days. Logging and exercise consistently has worked for me. If your not watching the weekends, your whole week can go to pot quickly!! It has to be a liveable, lifestlye change :) Keep your head up, you'll figure it out.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Tracking everything, every day is important. It's OK to have a cheat day OCCASIONALLY, but you still should track it. That way you know how much is really going into your body.

    It's always frustrating when the scale doesn't move - Just remember, it's about more than a number on a scale.

    P.S. Opening your diary can help some of the successful losers take a look and see how you can improve as well.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I also don't know what I am doing wrong so basically starting yesterday I am back to weighing EVERYTHING, tracking EVERYTHING and EVERY DAY, and trying to remain positive.

    Well, this looks like it may this that you are doing wrong. This is a life style, it's tough to have to weigh everything, but that's what it takes. You can't really get an accurate calorie count outside of a prepackaged meal if your not weighing. Those portions will start either growing slowly, or shrinking leaving you hungry and munching. But honestly, why use a calorie counter if you're not getting an accurate calorie count?
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I am finding it much more difficult after hitting 30 (I'm 35 now)! Both attempts at losing weight post-30 have been so.freaking.slow.going. compared to when I was younger. I lost 40 pounds from October 04 to January 05 and got really toned...and the only thing I did was 30 minutes a day, five days a week. I was only 29. Then I had a baby. In 06 (31 years old), I started my SAME 30 minutes a day five days a week, and the scale didn't want to budge... fast forward. Two more babies. A WHOLE LOT more weight. I'm 35.... and I have to fight for my scale to move (I do 100+ minutes of work-including my same 30 minutes at Curves, six days a week).

    It definitely gets harder, but it's still do-able. You can do it!!!!
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Yes, you can fail in a weekend! I went to a festival two weekends ago and didn't even eat or drink too much but had put almost 5lbs on between Friday and Monday! It took me almost two weeks to get back to the weight I was when I went away. It was probably water retention with eating processed food but still I couldn't believe all my work had been undone. So, yes, it's totally UNFAIR that it takes two weeks to lose it and only four days to put it back on but that's how it seems to be ....
    I think if you keep loggin everything for a while you will see more results. I also NEVER go hungry so tbh it doesn't feel too difficult at the moment - if I feel hungry, I eat something and then make sure I work out to use those calories.
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    erm thats some serious weekend problems then as if through the week you loose a pound to eat it back means over consuming 3500 calories thats over the maintance. I am trying to re learn what a days food actually looks like on a plate
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    weekends used to be very hard for me. i think my success is making small substitutions: a few chips over a bag of chips; a small turkey burger versus eating mcdonald's every day; eating fruit, but if i want a small thingy of ice cream i'll choose wisely. there's a lot you can do == so don't give up. You will push through this.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Change up your fitness routine, instead of doing the same exercise or workout over and over and over, add strength training or tray running, treadmill, eliptical or biking. That will help you!
  • cgd67
    cgd67 Posts: 188 Member
    Never give up!
  • rclay316
    rclay316 Posts: 15 Member
    you really have to track calories everyday. You should also try to change it up. One day eat 300 over, the next 200 under. Are you using weights at all? Even 1-2lb weights make a difference. When you do track calories, are you tracking calories as a whole or also watching fat, carbs, sugar etc?
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    You have a great attitude about it, and a great plan!

    Comparing pictures and measurements every four weeks is genius, and should keep you going. :-)

    It's great that your husband is right there with you, what a great support system! You can both do this. Great job!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I am sure most have already commitmented about it, but weekends can be the killer. Weekends were rough on me, until i got a phone where i could use the application. I went to a bbq last weekend at my sisters and I even scanned all the food i ate there.. I love the barcode feature! I think people look at losing weight as a "diet" but that is why people gain it back, because once you go back to eating carbs or whate ever you instantly gain the weight back. You have to change your life style for the better. not just for a short period of time
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I agree with some posters, one weekend can totally ruin any progress you may have done over the week! It's a 24/7 commitment!
  • traceface1788
    traceface1788 Posts: 9 Member
    you really have to track calories everyday. You should also try to change it up. One day eat 300 over, the next 200 under. Are you using weights at all? Even 1-2lb weights make a difference. When you do track calories, are you tracking calories as a whole or also watching fat, carbs, sugar etc?

    I agree! You should look into zig zagging, it is especially useful if you tend to go over on calories on the weekend. By creating a deficit throughout the week, overeating on the weekend does not make as much of a difference in your weight gain. In fact, I have lost weight after a weekend because by switching up calorie intake, you "trick" you metabolism and keep it sped up. Some people have not had success with this method, but it works for me!