June was a bust, now vacation and a plan!

I lost 5lbs in the month of May but I definitely slacked off a bit in June, ate more on the weekends then I should have. I didn't gain the weight back but I haven't lost a single pound since. At the very least, I know why this is and I plan on making sure I don't undo my hard work during the week on the weekend anymore....starting next week lol.

I am going to Orlando for 5 days at the end of the week and going to Universal Studios!!! I'm so excited but I am a little nervous about my weight. I won't have time to exercise 3 of the 5 days because I plan on being at the park from open to close! But hopefully all that walking around will count as my exercise! I obviously also plan on taking advantage of the goodies Universal has to offer! I am going to Harry Potter World and plan on experiencing some of their delicious butterbeer along with some other treats.

When I get back I will weight myself and if I have gained I will track it and update my goals so that I can start fresh. Hopefully having this in writing will force me to actually stick to my plan. I find it very hard to track a gain in weight but I need to start being more honest with myself if I want this to work!


  • saradm98
    saradm98 Posts: 21 Member
    The month of June wasn't good for me either (I gained atleast 5lbs) and I am going to the in-laws this weekend where there is nothing to do but eat and try to avoid all the yummy but unhealthy treats. Just go and enjoy yourself but don't over do it. Maybe you can get in a 30 min. jog before or after going (maybe hotel has a gym) or you could pickup a copy of the 30 day shred by Gillian Michaels and each level is only 20 min long but it will make you work. Good Luck!!!