Anyone need to lose 100+ lbs?

It seems like every post I see is people needing to lose less than 30 lbs. Maybe a few that said 50. Makes me feel like my 100 lbs is way too daunting.


  • Daninorth1990
    Daninorth1990 Posts: 1 Member
    I need to loose 75-100 lbs and could really use advice. Over 40 with herniated discs and in physical therapy. I am down to walking and even that hurts. Any advice?
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    There are quite a lot of us with 100+ lbs to lose, and also quite a lot of people who've already lost that much, or aren't too far off their goal so don't feel put off! 100lbs does feel really daunting, and some times just impossible, but if you break it down to smaller, more manageable goals it doesn't seem so bad. For me, I am just focusing on losing 1-2lbs a week, and I don't think about the overall target.
    I have also found in my last 5 weeks, I've seen in increase in what activity I can do. I track my walks, and I'm already walking about 30-40 seconds faster per km than I was at the start. It doesn't seem much, but the little goals will all add up to the bigger one over time.
    I haven't joined, but I think there is group for people looking to lose 100+lbs, so it might be worth joining that for some advice and motivation? Good luck to you!
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    63 pounds in to 100 here- add me if you'd like.
  • amberplant2016
    amberplant2016 Posts: 29 Member
    I need to lose 120!!! Add me if you'd like (:
  • phillyhockeyfan
    phillyhockeyfan Posts: 57 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. 100 is a big number but as you begin to chip away at it becomes smaller. Ask your physical therapist if there is any other kind of exercise you can do. If not walking is just fine.

    When I started I also had 100+ to loose. Down 56 so far, another 65 or so to go. I also have a herniated L4/L5 (it hasn't bothered me in years). I've managed to just watch my calories and walking.

    Good luck.
  • MeganAimee
    MeganAimee Posts: 16 Member
    100 lbs to lose here too!
  • readytochange42
    readytochange42 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 100+ to lose.
  • schwenkler22
    schwenkler22 Posts: 61 Member
    200+ lbs for me, it's very daunting, but like someone else previously stated, break it up into smaller goals, or don't focus on the amount you need to lose so much as eating healthier. Its easy to get wrapped up in the number but you have to keep pressing forward and soon enough that 100 turns into. 75, 50, and so forth. :)
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    From where I started 235 (and that's just from when I finally got on the scale, it was probably higher!) to where most stats say I should be for my height, it's probably exactly 100 lbs. Thinking about that when I first started wasn't even a thought in my was just like ok, let's try this counting calories thing and see how it goes. 100 lbs sounds daunting when you're first starting out!

    I've lost almost 40 lbs since I started, and I haven't felt deprived of anything the whole time. Do I wish the weight would come off quicker? Absolutely, we live in an age where we want instant it's understandable! But at the same time even though it seems like it's taking me forever to get to my end goal, it also seems just like yesterday that I was 40 lbs heavier.

    Last thing for the OP...I truly believe in the whole "it takes 21 days to make a habit." It might take more or less than 21 days, but the idea is that it takes consistency in order for something to just become part of our daily routine. Initially it might take some time to consistently log, get your water in, get in some exercise (if you choose), etc. But at some point it will just become habit, and the days that you just don't feel like doing it something inside you will just do it because it's become habit. This is why it's a lifestyle change! If you can push through and get to that point where it's habit, you're gonna get there eventually because you've created the habits to get you there.
  • ridge4mfp
    ridge4mfp Posts: 301 Member
    Well, I don't have 100 to lose anymore, but am 86 in with 40 to go. Just get started and perhaps break it up into smaller goals, without deadlines. Good luck!
  • MissSwitch
    MissSwitch Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose about 100+ pounds and with recent leg breakage(broke my tibia and fibula along with torn ligament) and finally being diagnose with borderline diabetic and with PCOS. But I've been down since February and start walking the May 5th. I ready to do anything to help get off the weight and keep it off. So anyone wanting to keep each other motivated add me. :D Love to have the company and worthy opponent to challenge. Cause I'm off to the races.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Me too. 100 lbs. See? You are not alone!
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    I started in January with 191lbs to lose. So far I'm down 41lbs. So 150 more to go! It'll take time but I'll get there. So will you :)
  • aaron_mc29
    aaron_mc29 Posts: 56 Member
    Started with 140 to lose, down 69 so far. Getting there by losing one pound at a time...
  • heatherfrancesb
    heatherfrancesb Posts: 10 Member
    I have about 100 to lose, but I started off with a goal of 57, and I am down 22.5 since late January. I seem to have hit a plateau so I am trying to refocus and up the exercise. I find setting a series of short term goals help. I also find I can do so much more walking and cycling with less to carry around and less weight on my knees. It was only my second bike ride of the season today and I went farther than I ever have before. You can do this
  • parkabe11
    parkabe11 Posts: 3 Member
    What a great response from everyone.
    Ever watch Touching The Void? Set small goals and avoid focusing on how daunting you think the task at hand is. After the first 5 (which will melt from monitoring calories w/o exercise) you will be really excited for the next 5. You'll be surprised at how you're going to want to start exercising. Btw I'm also in the 100 bucket and I'm down 34 since 3/26. Remember: we're not born with perseverance- it grows within us and we have to keep developing it. You will learn so much about yourself on this journey- and u can start it right now! Good luck
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Been there, done that, lost over 100

    I guess my advice is keep at it every day, don't be too restrictive with food to avoid burning out or giving into cravings and accept that it's going to take a long time.
  • Kaeleana
    Kaeleana Posts: 10 Member
    Not quite 100 but 90lbs...close enough I would say! You could add me too if you want. I just finished my 1st week of this journey.