Same Size, Different Time

Tomorrow is my 25th birthday, and I have been doing so much thinking. Thinking g of life, loss, love, and hope. I expected my life to be different than when I was 20, or 18, or even 16. While the actions and locations have changed, my size has not. I am still the binge eating bulky man that I was almost a decade ago.

I try to stay positive, and for the most part it works, but s**t, sometimes reflexion hits home just a bit too hard.

I suppose I've learned a lot in the past few years, who I want to become, how I want to get there, and why I want to get there. However, execution is another thing. I guess we just have to take it a day at a time.



  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    When you're ready, and you REALLY want it (more than anything else) - it will help. Best of luck in your journey. Don't let your weight define you as a person.
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Happy birthday! Yes, reflection can be very powerful. Take stock of all of it, the good, the bad, what you can change, what you can't. Celebrate your accomplishments thus far and just keep going! The fact that you are looking at where you are in life will serve you really well! And enjoy your birthday! ❤️
  • pinelopi22
    pinelopi22 Posts: 18 Member
    Happy Birthday, Branden! (A day early.)

    My fortieth birthday is coming up this Sunday. Nothing like a big birthday to make us reflect, right?

    I relate so much to what you say in your post. The thoughts and knowledge about how and why to lose weight have been on my mind and heart for so many years, and yet I still haven't managed to stick to making the choices that will help me become the person I envision.

    I don't have answers, but my thoughts lately are that I need to really focus for a long time on teaching myself the habit of making the helpful choices rather than on losing the weight as quickly as possible. I think low calorie counts (from trying to lose two pounds per week) may have been making it easier for me to slip off my plan.

    Of course, calorie count is not the only thing I have to deal with (there's also the emotional/psychological reasons I overeat that I need to identify and confront), but even so, I think this refocus will help a lot.

    I don't know if these thoughts apply to you, but maybe just thinking about shifting your focus in your own way will help.

    Good luck to you!
  • BrandenKnab
    BrandenKnab Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the well wishes, this is really what I needed to read today. Sometimes, thing are just rough.

    Also, happy early birthday Pinelopi22! :smiley: