Getting Married in 2016...

Hey hey sorry if this is an old topic just thought I would get a discussion together with those of us who have a common motivation... Too look and feel absolutely fantastic on our wedding days with no regrets


  • Dr1nkbleachndye
    Dr1nkbleachndye Posts: 441 Member
    Hey, getting married helped me get into the best shape of my life, so I can appreciate where you are coming from. I had to lose about 30 lbs, and the motivation was there.

    I currently have been doing intermittent fasting and its been working awesome for me. For people who have a lot of trouble with eating, it teaches you what the actual signs of hunger vs signs that your body is craving something. Along with the fact that the weightloss is definitely there so long as you plot your macros correctly, it ends up being a very easy program to follow after about 4 or 5 days or so.
  • Journeytojeans
    Journeytojeans Posts: 24 Member
    Yea I want to be proud of my wedding photos knowing I did the best I could. I have tried fasting but I like to gym in the morning. If I don't eat an hour before I gym I end up fainting haha. I currently do Lite n Easy (Australia) but have the motivation to track properly what enters my body. I am now paying very close attention to the different protein, carb and sugar intake (I am using the 8 week challenge I started at my gym this week to week myself off sugar haha)
  • Dr1nkbleachndye
    Dr1nkbleachndye Posts: 441 Member
    I use coconut water in the gym as a source of carbs, as well as for the sodium and potassium. If you are fasting, you could try that as a source of just enough cals/carbs to keep you from going hypo.

    I don't eat before the gym, a 16 oz coconut water is the only thing I have, and usually after weights I do 45 mins of cardio. While doing all the fasted is possible, the probably of going hypo or cramping is really high so I choose a light fuel source.
  • Journeytojeans
    Journeytojeans Posts: 24 Member
    It's worth a try I guess =]