new here

sassysharl Posts: 1
edited 3:47AM in Introduce Yourself

i am new to healthy eatinga and losing weight . I way about 110.2 and I am 4 ft 11 inches. iknow I am not really overweight but one who always had a good physique, flat stomach. problem is my luck is running out, in 3 months I gained 6.6 lbs and i have developed a huge jiggling stomach. basically i would like that to dissapear again lol. i dont run or gym, just do a real hardcore aerobic exercise 3 times a weekand adjusting my eating. started on a low calorie eating plan yesterday and boy oh boy it was hard cause i counted every single calorie and in the end had almost 300 too little calories. i basiaclly need recipes and food ideas (that's easy and suitable for 1) if I am gonna stick this out


  • Alishaa18
    Alishaa18 Posts: 21
    I can relate!!..this site has definitley made me accountable! I think you will like it. I'm just now really taking advantage of the site. The message boards are really good to read and have good advice.

    Welcome :)
  • Sarahnats
    Sarahnats Posts: 69 Member
    Hey, i have 5lbs left to lose and have lost 5 already, been here 2 weeks and can honestly say it's's like big brother is watching you lol and you really see how your eating and can make the right choices, not just calorie wise but fibre, protein a great site!
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