Lose 20 lbs by Sept 2016



  • ewunia99
    ewunia99 Posts: 121 Member
    @julia123xyzabc I definitely do not weigh myself every day, I really don't think that there is a point to it! soooo many factors go into daily weight fluctuations (salt, bathroom visits, TOM, water, etc) and it has nothing to do with the work you do to get healthier... it only makes you feel frustrated and demotivated.. just not worth it! I stick to weighing myself once or twice a week, tops. Always at the same time of day, without eating or drinking anything before, and no clothes (gotta get those extra ounces ;) doing it at the same time of day makes it seem more obvious if there is a change. About 1200 calories... I think many people would say that there are only a small percentage of people that do well with such a low goal. For most of us, it just isn't enough food. I don't know what your exercise schedule is like but if you are moving at all, I just don't feel like it would be enough food, so do not feel badly about eating more! Enjoy it :smile:

    I have some good news -- I myself upped up my calorie goal and this morning was the first week in FOUR WEEKS that I finally had a loss. So it seems to be doing better with me :blush: Hoping the bigger calorie goal works well for you :) keep it up!
  • joannemonette1
    joannemonette1 Posts: 99 Member
    edited May 2016
    I have a bad habit of weighing myself everyday - but it's at the same time, same environment, etc, to make sure it's not including other factors -- I do it just to see if/what/how the prior day's exercise workout and diet is going along. It's natural for it to go up and down, of course - I just don't want to miss anything when it goes down :smiley:

    It keeps me going when I see progress - and I'm so thankful for the tools that are available to help keep us on track, realistic, committed and focused. I love the community boards - good support system for each other.
  • joannemonette1
    joannemonette1 Posts: 99 Member
    192 -- SW (2/29/2016)
    167 -- CW
    129 -- GW (hopefully by Sept/Oct)
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you @Ewunia99. Weekly weigh-in for me. Yup. I will enjoy the extra calories, no doubt! Congrats on the nudge off your plateau! How great is THAT?!!!!

    And @joannemonette1, I envy your ability to celebrate the dips in fluctuation and not obsess over the peaks. That is something for me to strive for. And looking at your SW, CW, GW, you are doing FANTASTICALLY!

    I talk a good talk about moderation and acceptance and patience... but sometimes I'm a little hard to take! :-)

    Have a good evening, ladies! Thank you for your support. Thanks EVERYBODY!
  • sanamm22
    sanamm22 Posts: 35 Member
    I have a bad habit of weighing myself everyday - but it's at the same time, same environment, etc, to make sure it's not including other factors -- I do it just to see if/what/how the prior day's exercise workout and diet is going along. It's natural for it to go up and down, of course - I just don't want to miss anything when it goes down :smiley:

    It keeps me going when I see progress - and I'm so thankful for the tools that are available to help keep us on track, realistic, committed and focused. I love the community boards - good support system for each other.

    Loll its my habit too.nd cant help that :)
    But I think thts gud
  • imaginaryjewel5
    imaginaryjewel5 Posts: 9 Member
    Hope i can join in!

    SW 172
    GW 150 by September (140 eventually)

    We got a puppy recently so I have been walking her twice a day. My goal is to go back to logging consistently, calorie goal 1600. I hope to also come up with exercise I enjoy and can keep up. I hate going to the gym (treadmill and elliptical meh) and want to look for something else to keep me active.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • Viggyfuss
    Viggyfuss Posts: 20 Member
    is it too late to join?
  • BritPort1
    BritPort1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm in!
    I'm 44 and weigh 170lbs. This is the heaviest I've been and everything has started wobbling! I struggle with being greedy with both food and drink. I'd love to be able to lose 20lbs by September and think it's a reasonable and attainable goal. Let's do this!
  • imaginaryjewel5
    imaginaryjewel5 Posts: 9 Member
    Doing good so far with logging. I forgot my fitbit at home (darn!)

    How do you keep active throughout the day? I'm usually sitting in front of the computer and would love some tips to get more steps during the day.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    SW: 254
    CW: 248.7
    GW: 140 (final goal)
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    SW = 172.75 lb.
    CW = 172.00
    GW = 150.0

    Okay... so... crud. Up 1.25 from last week. Discouraging.
    But it looks like a beautiful day to get outside and focus on something other than the bathroom scale. I may harness up my dog and go for a looooooong walk...
    Stupid scale.

    "You go ahead, Mumma. I'll catch up. zzzzzzzzz."

  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't think it's a bad habit. I need to be reminded every day.

  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    edited May 2016
    ViggieFuss, Not if you think you can do it! :-) Welcome!

  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    sanamm22 wrote: »
    Thz wk almost no weight lose :(

    Hang in there Sanamm22! Be consistent and you will see results!
  • serafina57
    serafina57 Posts: 37 Member
    SW: 220 (2009)I kept this off for six years, but some health issues preventing me from working out and I made some poor food choices during a very stressful time (since Thanksgiving). Onward we go!
    CW: 160
    GW: 143
  • mariesandrine1
    mariesandrine1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am aiming to lose 2.3kgs by 18th June and continue from there by using different types of workouts almost everyday
  • mick28
    mick28 Posts: 9 Member
    Back from vacation I brought along a travel scale. I weighed in this morning the same as when I left. I thoroughly enjoyed the food and drink wherever we went but I had to keep reminding myself to keep it in moderation.
    It will be good to get back into a routine again
  • julia123xyzabc
    julia123xyzabc Posts: 23 Member
    Happy Monday (ack!) everybody. Just wanted to send out positive vibes for the coming week.
    Last week's challenges and obstacles are behind us... today is a fresh start.
    Stay strong! Stay the course! One step, one ounce, one victory at a time.
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Stats as of 5/15:
    SW 230.5 5/9
    CW 228.5
    9/1 goal 210
    GW 175
    Log every bite and exercise each day
    Exercise: weights 20 min 5 days, yoga 25 6 days, mini stretch 15 min 1 day
    Meditation: 5 min/5 days/wk
    Still trying to meditate just 5 min/day and finding it difficult.