Shakeology vs. Vega One - Unbiased opinion



  • regodwin_33
    regodwin_33 Posts: 1 Member
    Frazzle441 wrote: »
    I'm going to check out Vega Sport as a previous poster said. I tried Shakeology for a few months a couple years back and I do really like it but it's just not in my budget. I'd like something cheaper (but still good) that I can whip up in the morning for myself and my teen daughter. She's super picky but would enjoy a smoothie and this gets in some good protein and some vitamins. Otherwise, she'll go with nothing some mornings. For me, I need more protein so this is a fast and easy way to get it in. Not saying I'll do this everyday because I abhor routine but it's a great option. I do wish I could afford Shakeology as it tastes great but I can't.

    Vega sport recently reformulated. I hate shakes. I work for Central Market and we sell vega products. I was walking by a sale display and saw the newly formulated vega sport. I thought i'd give it a shoot. I got the vanilla. I tried it yesterday on my way to work i was running low on time and needed something quick and easy. I put a frozen banana in it and went on my way. It was better than others i have tried in the past. I didn't take a lunch until over 5 hours into my shift. I was only hungry the last 30mins leading up to my luch break. I will be buying this again and next time i will be adding strawberries, just because it's how i like my shakes.
  • kmoser83
    kmoser83 Posts: 51 Member
    I bought a nutribullet and make my own. I use fruits and greens with water, almond milk, or coconut milk. There's a ton of recipes on Pinterest, and the recipe book that comes with the nutribullet is good too.
  • iruninpink
    iruninpink Posts: 3 Member
    I have had both. Shakeology is great, but the price is crazy. I am currently using Vega Sport Accelerator after I run and Vega Protein and Greens, Chocolate for my breakfast along with a banana. I love Vega.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    edited May 2016

    ETA: It would have been so much better if the spell was written as a haiku...
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I love vega. True, it is not as tasty as some protein powders but the Vega One has probiotics in it which are great for you. For Vega One I like the coconut almond flavour. I also really like the new formula of the Vega Sport in mocha. I live in Canada and lean meat is pretty pricey. Supplementing with 1-2 shakes makes making my protein goals more affordable not less and it certainly doesn't cost $4 per shake, more like $1 if that.
  • Acidique
    Acidique Posts: 119 Member
    Not a fan of Vega. The taste is not my favorite. I am really hesitant to use protein powders because so many of them have terrible additives. While Vega is a great brand, I just couldn't force myself to drink it. I now rotate between Orgain protein powders and Thorne Research protein powders. Orgain tends to blend better, and it has no additives, is vegan, etc. Same with Thorne Research. In the end, it's really about knowing what you're putting in your body as well as how much it helps you. Sure, eating "real food" is just as good, but in the end if your eating something with great ingredients and nutrients and it helps you, go for it. Just make sure you know what's in it. :)