pre-diabetic looking for suggestions

Just got my test results back and I am pre-diabetic. Mom is diabetic, on injections 4 times per day. I don't want to go there. But she is of the mind- set, I am on medicine so I don't have to watch what I eat to much. I need to lose around 50 or so pounds. My cholesterol is high too and have just been given a rx for that. I go back in 6 wks for a re-test. I sure want to be lower in numbers all around!


  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    I have always feared that I might be prediabetic and have been talking with the healthcare people I work with daily. They say that even if you don't have to watch your diet limiting carbs is a great way to help your numbers. The Zone and South Beach food plans are really good for people who are in this range because they have you limit these intakes and help stabalize your insulin levels.
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I am doing the Dukan Diet, which is low carb, which may help with your insulin levels. I would suggest looking it up on the internet to see if you could follow it, and discuss with your doctor next visit.

    I have settled in quite well, and have only had one craving day upto now.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Good for you! I had the same mindset as your mom and have dug myself a pretty deep hole. But I'm working on getting better now.

    A really great resource is They have some really yummy, low carb recipes, as well as tips for keeping your glucose levels low. I've also found that doing some physical activity keeps mine low. Try working out a few times a week, if you don't already. It definitely gets things moving in the right direction.
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    Eat lots of veggies, whole grain products are supposed to be better than the more processed versions. They say that if you eat 5-6 smaller meals a day your sugar level stays more level. You'll need to increase your exercise levels. Take small steps to change your eating & exercising habits and you should see results. Good Luck
  • lyngoode
    lyngoode Posts: 197 Member
    i was diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol in February of last year. I was on 4 different medications. I started exercising and watching what I ate which did limit but not eliminate carbs. I introduced veggies into my lifestyle and started weighing the meats that I ate (usually somewhere around 4 oz. is the serving size). I logged everything I ate here at MFP. It made me aware of what I was putting into my body. I lost 55 pounds and my doctor took me off all medication.
    Good luck and much success!
  • endopride
    endopride Posts: 19
    beaglegal, my mother is also diabetic and on insulin, and i also saw myself going in that direction but not anymore!
    you do have to watch what you eat, don't let yourself become dependent on meds. and as far as cholesterol meds are concerned once you start taking them for sometime your body becomes used to them so later in life even when you watch your diet and are eating right, your cholesterol level won't drop because of the meds, and it becomes essential to take them for the rest of your life. so if your numbers aren't so high, i would greatly suggest that you try to get it under control on your own. both of my parents have high cholesterol and both are on meds, and it really is a life-time process.
  • debrajane81
    I am also pre-diabetic...on metformin, Victoza and also take Crestor for high cholesterol. I am been on every diet known to man, but am finding the easiest for me is just to count calories. I have 80 pounds to lose.. I eat 1400 calories a day. I just started this last Wednesday but am already sleeping better and have lost 5 pounds. Tracking what I eat on myfitnesspal has made it SO easy. I limit sugar ALOT...lots of calories there. And I limit carbs to complex carbs. Good luck to you!
  • beaglegal
    beaglegal Posts: 15
    Thanks for all the suggestions. Wil have to spend some time looking around on the web at different stuff. I pretty much know what I should eat ...veggies, fruit, meat but am wondering about the inbetween snacky stuff ya sometimes need to keep ya going? Also, the veggie departmant....I pretty much like - green beans. {well, I like corn & potatoes but those are out} Tried a butternut squash last night....blac.
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    My go to snack is raw nuts particular almonds. They are high in fiber and protein along with low in salt and have the good fats in them.
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 95 Member
    I agree with all the things people have posted. I also want to add: Find a doctor you like and work with them. I am going through the same thing now and I love my doctor. She is supportive and suggests different things, set me up with a nutritionist, and physical therapy for the new aches and pains working out have brought. It's the support and help of everyone here and in your life that will help you make and stick with the life changes.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Stay away from sugar and white breads and pastas. If you can't give up sweets opt for artificial sweeteners. Natural foods are best but for those with insulin/glucose problems artificial sweeteners are better than any type of sugar. If you do eat sugar try to eat protein or fiber with it.

    If you were put on a statin for your cholesterol, also avoid alcohol because statins are very hard on your liver. Your doctor should have given you diet suggestions or referred you to a dietician but you can find plenty of good diet suggestions at
  • Islasgirl
    Islasgirl Posts: 19 Member
    As a diabetic for almost 20 years I hate to tell you that there is no such thing as pre-diabetic. It's like pregnancy; you either are or your aren't! But the good thing is that you can reverse and stop it! I had diabetes in both family sides plus morbidly obesity. I KNEW what was in store for me but did nothing about it for years. Now I am on 4 pills a day. But even now I KNOW I can reverse this and stop the pills. It is so much harder when you get my age (67) but exercise and a new way of eating can help. Good luck and don't give up this uphill battle. It is so worth it in the long run.
  • rgprn
    rgprn Posts: 66 Member
    Just got my test results back and I am pre-diabetic. Mom is diabetic, on injections 4 times per day. I don't want to go there. But she is of the mind- set, I am on medicine so I don't have to watch what I eat to much. I need to lose around 50 or so pounds. My cholesterol is high too and have just been given a rx for that. I go back in 6 wks for a re-test. I sure want to be lower in numbers all around!
  • rgprn
    rgprn Posts: 66 Member
    I to got the same report yesterday. This hopefully will get me serious about my weight. I do not want to be a diabetic !
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I was also, until I started watching my diet. I use for healthy recipes and tips to lower your A1C. If you have type 1 then no you will always have it, but if you have early onset type 2, You can definitely reverse it. has a recipe section under there Food and Fitness section. You can choose from low fat, low, lower, lowest carb, low calorie. It is really good if you are pre-diabetic. Just check it out once, you will love it I promise and if you have any questions just ask.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. Wil have to spend some time looking around on the web at different stuff. I pretty much know what I should eat ...veggies, fruit, meat but am wondering about the inbetween snacky stuff ya sometimes need to keep ya going? Also, the veggie departmant....I pretty much like - green beans. {well, I like corn & potatoes but those are out} Tried a butternut squash last night....blac.

    If you roast your veggies with a little olive oil and fresh garlic they are great. Just try all different kinds and force yourself. It could be a matter of life and death. I eat things even if I'm not crazy about them I just say it's a have too! It's easier then having to shoot my self up with insulin or having my kidneys fail or having my legs amputated. I'll eat my veggies thanks.
  • genineflores
    genineflores Posts: 7 Member
    I have this problem with my husband, and this is why I have started a low carb life style with him. We are not crazy fanatics who live on steak and cheese! I have really researched, and keep a calorie and net carb count utulizing the myfitnesspal application. I feel so good since I have cut our sugar, and I have tons of great recipes to get you through the hard days. Even my eight year old daughter has started (by choice) not eating as much bread and starches. Both of our families have a predisposition to diabetes, and I see us all getting a little larger in our mid-sections. I think it is better that we are making a life change now while we have that choice then waiting til we have to. I commend you for TRYING! Take it one day at a time!
  • genineflores
    genineflores Posts: 7 Member
    caulflower is your friend. You can blend it and make a mash potatoe (season to your like with sour cream and seasoning) or my favorite is when I put it in the food procesor and it gets kinda grainy (not too much) and then you stick it in the microwave for 1-2minutes ...take out toss with butter, salt and pepper and the I load it up like a potatoe with chicken, green beans or broccoli, cheese and some sour cream...whatever your heart desires...I also have a really good recipe for fruit roll ups made out of unflavored gelatin, coolaid packet and splenda that curb me on those sweet days...slim fast has a good low carb shake, but you can't drink it from the can you have to pour it over ice...I also buy atkins bars cut them in peices and put them in a container in my fridge...when my sweet tooth starts calling these are my answer...hope some of this helps..
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    i was diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol in February of last year. I was on 4 different medications. I started exercising and watching what I ate which did limit but not eliminate carbs. I introduced veggies into my lifestyle and started weighing the meats that I ate (usually somewhere around 4 oz. is the serving size). I logged everything I ate here at MFP. It made me aware of what I was putting into my body. I lost 55 pounds and my doctor took me off all medication.
    Good luck and much success!

    Congrats on your success. I'm not a diabetic, but I limit the amount of carbs, sugar, and increase vegs, potass, fiber, etc. and its help me I dont really get any sugar cravings or feel hungry. or tired. So we will see in the long run. and my blood pressure is 110/70 some times a little below. so I will have fluids.
  • rgprn
    rgprn Posts: 66 Member
    I just read many suggestions for another post from someone being told they are pre diabetic. WOW. This app
    has already paid for itself ..... Wait a min. This site is free!!! Thanks to all of the post w/suggestions and encouragement.
    My A 1 c has been gradually climbing. I have belly fat; need to lose about 35 lbs and will pass up a good meal for the sweets any day. I'm working on it tho. Have been on MFP since the 17 th and have lost 5 pounds. I see my dr next week about my glucose and cholesterol.