Ill After Meeting Goal Weight

Hi there! I met my goal weight in January (95 pounds, down from 129lbs). I am very small 4ft11, so this sounds like a tiny weight but for me it suits my tiny frame and is a healthy bmi. I lost this very rapidly between August last year and January, and did it by sticking to 1200 calories and walking lots without eating back exercise calories. I found this pretty easy, basically never went over my calorie goal.

However after I reached my goal weight things really started to go down hill.... I start exercising because even though I had met my goal weight I felt I wanted to tone up. I completed the couch to 5K program of running 3 times a week, and then continued to run 30 minutes for 3 times a week. I then slowly tried to increase calories, but I just felt really uncomfortable about eating more. I slowly raised it to 1350, 1400, 1500, but kept moving it back up and down, and still wasn't eating back exercise calories. I thought I was doing okay, I thought I felt okay, but I have been really busy as a student and on reflection I look back and can see signs that I wasn't feeling too well (dry skin, dizziness etc).

Between January and now I have lost another 4.5 pounds without meaning too. I really started to notice something was up when this dizziness got really really intense and I have been getting bad pins and needles. I feel lightheaded a lot and get huge surges of anxiety/panic, but when I eat something it goes. I dramatically increased my calories to what mfp said I needed plus any exercise calories from walking (I have stopped running for now). I have been doing this for at least a month now and I have actually been even exceeding my calorie needs to try gain back the 4.5 pounds but I am not gaining any weight as of yet. I have been to a doctor who said it was down to too dramatic weight loss, so I am trying to work with it.

I am wondering whether anybody has experienced anything similar, and has any tips on recovering. I want to feel healthy, but right now I feel ill and my mind is consumed with thoughts of food. I literally can't stop eating, not just because I am hungry, but because I get this feeling of light headedness and anxiety soon after eating and it doesn't go until I eat again.

Thanks for any help x


  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    It really seems like you need to continue eating more. Especially if you are not gaining weight and experiencing dizziness. You can do it!
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    It sounds like working with a registered dietitian would really benefit you. The physical symptoms sound very out of balance, and the anxiety + excessive thoughts of food are red flags to me. You need a structured diet that ensures you're getting adequate calories AND nutrients. Hopefully following a plan would ease some of your anxiety as well.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    It sounds like you understand something is wrong. I'd go see a doctor definitely and get some blood work done. I'm not one so I can't really give you any other advice. Also consider any new medication you might be taking. I was on an anti-depressant once for migraines and started having panic attacks.

    Let us know how it goes.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'd start by seeing a doctor. Your health is way to serious to take advice from internet strangers about.
    Until you can get a doctor appt , I would cut out that cardio and up your calorie intake.
    If you'd like to workout, I suggest a strength training program instead of all that cardio. Beyt of luck !
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    You say you are eating more calories. In what form? I suggest that you at least meet the 1g/kg/day standard. Other than that you seem to be doing things correctly.
  • Tofuli
    Tofuli Posts: 79 Member
    I said I've been to see a doctor, if you read the post!
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    Are you getting enough fluids, sodium, etc? What about fats and protein? Your user name is Tofuli, does that indicate you are vegan? If so, are you taking b12 supplements? It's impossible to get b12 naturally from non-animal foods, and deficiency will definitely make one dangerously sick.
  • Tofuli
    Tofuli Posts: 79 Member
    Yes, I drink lots of water. I take a vegan multivitamin with lots of B12 and I drink fortified B12 containing products such as nutritional yeast and plant milks. I eat lots of healthy fats, nut butters/avocado etc and I drink lots of soy milk/ eat lots of soy yoghurt/ beans etc for protein. B12 deficiency is actually relatively low among vegans because all our food is fortified it so the amounts are more reliable, animal products contain B12 only due to the presence of bacteria (B12 is added to animal feed), B12 is made from bacteria not the animals. Sodium I had considered so bought some rehydration tabs with sodium in but they didn't help.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Get your B12 levels tested. I am B12 deficient and noticed after I lost 20 lbs in 4 months and began having dizziness and trouble with my balance. They tested and my levels were low. I'm a pescetarian but don't eat fish often so basically a vegetarian.
  • Tofuli
    Tofuli Posts: 79 Member
    I take a B12 supplement though. And eat B12 fortified foods. I did have blood tests before christmas and everything was fine then. B12 deficiency takes years to develop because you store B12 in your body for a long time.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Tofuli wrote: »
    I said I've been to see a doctor, if you read the post!

    I assume labwork including thyroid tests were done, then?
  • veggiecanner
    veggiecanner Posts: 137 Member
    you can get b12 from fermented veggetables.
  • Tofuli
    Tofuli Posts: 79 Member
    Tofuli wrote: »
    I said I've been to see a doctor, if you read the post!

    I assume labwork including thyroid tests were done, then?

  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    Tofuli wrote: »

    I really started to notice something was up when this dizziness got really really intense and I have been getting bad pins and needles. I feel lightheaded a lot and get huge surges of anxiety/panic, but when I eat something it goes.

    This sounds like what I used to go through - your blood sugar might be dropping too low. I used to find this happened to me within 2-4 hours of eating. I'd get shaky, light headed, dizzy and palpitations which all felt like the beginnings of a panic/anxiety attack. 15 - 20 minutes after eating something it would go away. These are all symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) but a diabetes test (type 2) came back negative.

    I cut out processed foods purely to start a healthier lifestyle and found those episodes went away really quickly. My research made me conclude its the refined carbs in processed food that were spiking my blood sugar and a few hours after eating it was dropping back too low.

    Basically swapping nearly all processed foods for fresh cut meats and vegetables has helped loads. I'm doing low carbs and high fat (or keto diet) now because it controls these hypo episodes so well. I'd consider the carbs, refined carbs and sugars you're eating and maybe swap for unprocessed foods for a bit. If thats the culprit you'll probably know within a few days. Good luck x

  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member

    This sounds like what I used to go through - your blood sugar might be dropping too low. I used to find this happened to me within 2-4 hours of eating. I'd get shaky, light headed, dizzy and palpitations which all felt like the beginnings of a panic/anxiety attack. 15 - 20 minutes after eating something it would go away. These are all symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) but a diabetes test (type 2) came back negative.

    I agree with this, I find that I get bouts of dizziness and irritability when I go longer than 4 hours without eating. Maybe consider packing snacks to take with you throughout the day, try to eat something every 2-3 hours. (I'm partial to roasted chickpeas or nuts)
  • earth_echo
    earth_echo Posts: 133 Member
    edited May 2016
    To me, it sounds like you're anemic -- dizzy, lightheaded, tingly feeling, etc. Even your anxiety could be from anemia. Anemia makes the heart beat faster/harder and that can be interpreted as anxiety to a lot of people. Google it and see what you think. It's VERY common in runners, esp female runners. Get your blood tested for Ferritin. You can buy a Ferritin test online for $40. Easy. Also, I would recommend Floradix liquid if you chose to supplement your iron, which you should definitely do if your Ferritin is low.
  • aub6689
    aub6689 Posts: 351 Member
    Keep a journal of exactly what and when you are eating, when and what you do when exercising and the times you are experiencing dizziness and anxiety. While anemia and blood sugar could be culprits, it is best to log intensively to go back and see if you notice patterns. When I trained for my first half marathon, I realized I had to up my carbs a lot on the days I did long runs. While I didn't modify my calories dramatically, I adjusted my macros a lot. Quick weight loss can affect your hormones (including insulin and thyroid hormones) and your body needs some sense of normalcy. What did your doctor test for?
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    edited May 2016
    If you were eating a ton of healthy fats you'd be gaining weight lol. You can still have absorption issues regardless of your b12 intake. Test your ferritin. Eat more. Are you hydrated? Pretty simple. Sounds like a deficiency of some sort. I weigh less than you and am 4 inches taller and usually run 3-4 miles 4-5 times a week and have no symptoms such as you describe, so whatever you are having to do to maintain that weight obviously is not healthy for you. If you are obsessing on food it's also possible you've developed an eating disorder.

    As a vegetarian myself many plant foods do not offer iron that is as readily absorbed by the body so you might need more iron than you're getting.
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    edited May 2016
    One thing no one has mentioned (and I found this out first hand) is that when a person engages in rapid weight loss and combines it with a lot of exercise, particularly cardio training, that can be a recipe for very low blood pressure, which can lead to things like orthostatic hypotension. Your lightheadedness when standing could be that - although it doesn't explain all of your symptoms.

    I actually went to my doctor about this issue because I was concerned (I felt like I was going to black out at times), and he carefully checked me out and said his advice was to be more careful when I stood up, and to "eat more salt." Which I thought was really awesome advice. I love salty foods.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    As thoramom wrote -- be very careful and don't do any cardio. This means no fast walking or rushing up a hill or any stairs. Rest a lot, eat some of your favorite foods. I don't believe now is the time for you to start a weight lifting program. Just focus on your studies, rest and take it one day at a time to ease back into eating at least your maintanxe calories, and definately eat more than that if you possible can. Once you have finished college you can revisit weight loss.