Hydroxycut and others

Is there any benefit to these supplements/pills while exercising and following a good nutrition plan? Just curious if any of you peeps use something and if it works, I would like to know.


  • lulutm
    lulutm Posts: 57
    Hydroxycut is a tough one, having been pulled off the market a couple times, and the target of many class action lawsuits. I wouldn't suggest it....
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    They may give you a little extra energy, but I think a good diet and plenty of sleep at night would be better.
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    I've taken Lipozine, and it helps its all natural and a good fiber substance. Not really a pill for a cure all it did help with eating some.
  • sbrodeur100
    sbrodeur100 Posts: 7 Member
    Generally it is believed they are good as motivators then having a real profound effect on weight loss. Back when pills had Ephedra, they worked very well, but that's now illegal here in the US. The high caffeine content in them gives you a perk before working out and does have an overall minor effective on calorie burning but overall, if you can motivate yourself to eat well, and exercise, you can achieve the results without them.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I took hydroxycut a while ago... yest it gives you some more energy, but it made me jittery and my heart race, especially if I did not hit the gym.

    Then once you get off it I crashed and turned into a donut devouring beast.... stick with eating well and exercising. There is no magic pill!
  • driscollmc
    driscollmc Posts: 85
    i would not recommend taking any weight loss pills. they literally have a different effect on everyone, and it's not always a good thing. plus, speaking as a former user of diet pills, knowing you did this all on your own is much more satisfying than knowing you cheated just a little :)
  • kateq321
    kateq321 Posts: 97 Member
    I took hydroxycut a while ago... yest it gives you some more energy, but it made me jittery and my heart race, especially if I did not hit the gym.

    Then once you get off it I crashed and turned into a donut devouring beast.... stick with eating well and exercising. There is no magic pill!

    what GorrillaNJ said...

    I really thinks pills like that can cause more harm than good...really not worth it in my opinion.
  • starzluv94
    starzluv94 Posts: 45 Member
    The best way is to go with out them. They are not tested by the FDA so you dont know what kind of side effects they have.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    i took hydroxycut once (like nearly a bottle).. my mother read the contents (she works in the ingredients industry..) she said its mostly a lot of fillers that expand in the stomach to make u "feel" like you're full. Thats why they ask u to take it with a full glass of water 1 hour before meals...
    Then i took Xenadrine another time... and i felt spaced out from just the second rounds of pill, like i was gonna fall over... it wasnt good.

    i just dont trust those things...

    I wouldnt recommend them AT ALL
  • Christina74S
    Christina74S Posts: 21 Member
    I've used that Mega T green tea stuff for a whle now. .I love it. I can't drink energy drinks or use any of the pills that have that weird stuff in it. It makes my heart hurt and race like crazy. But the green tea doesn't. And the green tea is a helpful antioxidant. It only helps as long as you keep up the diet and exercise though!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    It will make your pocketbook lighter that is about it.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    To each its own...I know that most of them are not "good" for you but I've taken Xenadrine Ultra from time to time to give me the energy I need to take care of twin babies and a 2 year old. Exercise and eating right will win overall but I think its up to the individual on what they want to do with their bodies.
  • I used hydroxycut and it made me shake and feel really aggressive and short tempered. My heart was pounding too. I don't recommend it. I also was on phentermine prescribed by my doctor. It's an appetite suppressant and I lost around 50 lbs in 6 months. It worked but made me very aggressive and jittery too. I gained all of my weight back plus more when my doctor took me off the pill. He said it's bad to stay on for more than 6 months b/c it's bascially a legal form of speed. It's a controlled drug and habit forming. I recommend eating right and working out. Easier said than done, I know...
  • I've been on everything you can possibly imagine even Phen-phen, along with many other over the counter things. Now I have heart valve issues...so my suggestion is there is only one way to do this...hardwork, exercise and lifestyle change. Don't get me wrong they worked for me when I was taking them, however the side affect was not worth it at all, and now I am back at square one doing it the right way!
  • I really liked Jillian Michael's calorie control (a blue bottle). 2 of those before a meal really helped me cut how much i was eating. I noticed i was eating less, but still felt full for longer so i didn't miss what I wasn't eating. I tried hydroxycut and it felt like a non-stop hotflash for a few hours. No problems like that with those however. I used it for about a month and a half then was able to do without for about 3 or 4 months until I went through a tough time and went off my diet and exercising. But hoping round 2 is just as successful (20 pounds dropped last year).
  • its_mad
    its_mad Posts: 8
    I just started taking different supplements from the "New Nordic" Brand, they are all natural and work amazing! The first one I take is called "Mullberry Zuccarin"-good for diabetics but if your eating refined carbs/ carb heavy foods it blocks the absorbtion of some of that sugar and prevents that insulin spike that causes most people to gain weight. Also im combining it with there "Chili Burn" it supposedly heats up your system revving up your metabloism and cutts back appetite. So far on the days i remember to take them my appetite is cut in half and my energy is way up, and Normally say if I dare eat a muffin id feel exhausted after so i tested it on some pasta, or heavy bread and I didnt feel tired.