Just had a baby, trying to get to my pre pregnancy weight!

I was only 5 short lbs of reaching my goal of 145lbs when I found out I was pregnant with baby numero dos! So I ate like a pig for 9 months and now I'm paying for it! I've lost 10 lbs total since he was born 2 months ago, and I'm currently 30lbs away from my goal. Sounds like a lot but I'm motivated :)

I just started using the Fitbit altra and it's definitely helping my motivation.



  • mrsarm
    mrsarm Posts: 6 Member
    I just had my third baby three months ago. I have around 24-27 lbs to shift to get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 8.4-8.7 stone. I love my fitbit and aim for 15,000 steps a day. I usually walk around 4 miles a day with the pram. I'm restarting bootcamp sessions on Tuesday too, but will see how that goes as it's my first proper exercise since having my third c section.

    Good luck!
  • ChxSurf782
    ChxSurf782 Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good luck on your journeys, ladies! I'm currently pregnant, and am involved in the "Fit, Fabulous & Pregnant" group on MFP. BUT...someone from that group just started a new group for "Fit, Fabulous & Postpartum" . It sounds like it could be a great group for both of you! http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/113945-fit-fabulous-postpartum

    I think the group was new as of this week, because there were so many women still hanging out on the pregnancy group that were trying to lose their baby weight. Good luck & keep up the great work!
  • jermonilacy
    jermonilacy Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Ladies! I am going on 6m pp and I started working out and eating right inconsistently for the past 2 months. Somehow I still managed to get from 163 to 148. I was 132 pre pregnancy and never had an issue with my weight so it has been hard for me to see myself overweight. Im ready to start being completley consistent with my diet and excercise and get down to 125lbs. I cant wait! Im so ready to fit my clothes again. Good luck to us.