Zumba Help

I recently just got Zumba for Kinect. I tried it for the first time last night. I have no rhythm at all, I found all the moves hard, and it was so hard to keep up with just the tutorial. Anyone out there have the same experience? As long as I'm moving and somewhat keeping up with the moves on the screen I assume i;m stil going to be burning.
I like the idea of Zumba, did anyone else feel like it's really hard?


  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    ME ME ME!!! hahaha. Yes, zumba can be hard. I also have no rhythym or coordination. But I can do it on the Wii and in a class once a week and I get sweating pretty good! As long as you are trying your best and moving, you are burning calories. And the more you do it, the better you will get!
  • jtndle
    jtndle Posts: 54 Member
    I have not done the Kinect Zumba but do go to classes. It is tough in the beginning to learn the moves and keep up. I started up again after not going for many months and was surprised again at how fast you need to move! Just keep doing it and in no time you will know all the moves and be able to add in the extra hip movements and turns! Love Zumba!
  • chaugberg
    chaugberg Posts: 34 Member
    Practice, practice, practice. I have it for the Wii and I absolutely sucked the first few days I tried it. I have been doing it for over two weeks now and I'm getting pretty good. Then I made the mistake of switching to a different class. I suck again! It takes time but you can do it.
  • ChunkyMonkey207
    ChunkyMonkey207 Posts: 96 Member
    I have the zumba for the wii,I skipped the tutorial and jumped right in.I too,have two left feet..probably look like a dying thirsty fish..but Im sweatin' up a storm! you will get it,dont give up!
  • kennedyk1065
    Yes it is very hard. I'm going to do it live with a person tonight. Hopefully she will slow down a bit so that we can get the moves down this time. This will be my second time of doing this. I loved it though...lots of fun.
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    I haven't done it on a video game, but I go to classes and our instructor says there is no wrong way to do it.... you do the best you can and eventually it all comes together and you get the basic moves and can start adding in harder things you struggled with in the beginning... as long as your heart rate is up and you are sweating then you are burning calories even if you don't look just like the person (or image) you are trying to imitate :)
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Yes! I find it difficult tool I have Zumba for the Wii. I feel like I have 2 left feet when I do it. I can't do all the gyrating and hip action that they do. I have made it through a 20 minute workout...but I feel like I am not doing it right. I am glad I can learn it in the privacy of my own living room and not in front of a class...at least for now.
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    It was really hard for me for the 1st couple times and I have dance background. After that though I got it down and im ADDICTED to say the least
  • Ceecee272
    Ceecee272 Posts: 3
    I Have the zumba for kinect, i love it, you just have to stick to it, as long as your moving your burning cal. once you get use to it, you it will be better. not easier, because its hard as hell. but it will be better.. i wished they had zumba on there exercise tracking list.
  • MsKittyCAT
    MsKittyCAT Posts: 217
    I've been to a few zumba classes and feel lost most of the time. I'm super uncoordinated and have trouble keeping up with the pace and getting the moves right. I figure if I just keep moving for the hour it still counts as exercise and I do end up sweaty, tired, and sore so it has to be burning something off!

    I'm going to look into a "zumba gold" class next, it is designed for seniors or the uncoordinated beginner according to the description on the website so maybe that will be more my speed.

    Good luck! :)
  • flsunshine70
    Hello, I purchased the zumba dvds and I love them. I consider myself to have rhythm and yes I've been challenged with getting the moves down myself. I get a good work out by attempting the moves. I have not mastered them all yet; however, I find myself "sweating" not glistening as we women tend to say from time to time. I believe if you try to sing along with the music it will make it a bit easier.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Hi there,

    I have Zumba for the Wii, and really love it. I don't know how different it is on learning the steps, but you will find that if you just keep movin that you will pick up the steps quickly! I still have some I am not doing right, but you can do it! It is a fabulous calorie burn.
  • kshaw09
    kshaw09 Posts: 48
    Thanks for all the comments I took your advise and skipped the tutorial and went right into a class, i dind't know all the moved but I worked up a sweat so it was all good :happy:
  • sara_rose
    sara_rose Posts: 40 Member
    :happy: I also have Zumba for my Wii and I absolutely LOVE it and am considering buying the DVDs as well. I am about as white as they come and only have about an eighth of the rhythm that they show in the game, but I still shake it, sweat profusely, and I am dropping the lbs. My boys love to dance with me (Will, 5 and Sammy, 1) and that just makes it all the more fun. I defiantly don't do it as well as the professional dancers in the game, but I don't really think that is the point. The point is to move your body. Get your heart rate up. Get up off the couch. I am trying to be better at the dances but that only makes me try harder which is a good thing. I have made it up to the first Expert 45 minutes workout and I can burn about 374 calories. That is just an estimate but I know it is working.
  • 52baltimoreravens52
    52baltimoreravens52 Posts: 83 Member
    The moves in the Wii Zumba are similar to the Zumba dvds. I like doing those but I LOVE going to the Zumba class. My instructor uses all of the latest songs (JLO, Pitbull, Black Eyed Peas) and incorporates more hip hop so it's really fun. Plus, I know I work harder in the class with all of the people around me, the mirrors and the motivation from the instructor. I agree with everyone here that it takes practice to get the moves and pay attention to what is coming next in each routine. Good luck and have fun!:happy: