Night Eating - How do I proceed today?

kalajaneryan Posts: 3
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
So since 12am this morning, I ate all I needed for the whole day today. Ever since I had my baby a year ago, I can't seem to stop this habit. So I will do my daily run of 3 miles. I do 2 miles with speeds from 6-7mph. I do the last mile at 6mph. I will do some weight training also.

I am at 150 and holding just because of the night eating. I want to try to run a full hour today and then eat a bunch of veg food, but still think a day of water would be the best option. I need some time of support.


  • Flyingjester2k1
    Flyingjester2k1 Posts: 19 Member
    alright, here's the deal, you can't just have water all day or you're gonna starve yourself into being hungry and you're going to continue the routine of night eating... set a cap on when you can no longer have food like 9 pm, or even better if you're a first shifter 7 pm. So i would say for today eat. stop eating at your cap time.
  • Sonya381
    Sonya381 Posts: 5
    Are you saying that you are awake throughout the night or just for a short time? I would be concerned that you are not sleeping. Do you drink caffeine much ? You seem to have the exercise sorted but eating through the night needs to stop - sleep is never over rated - Good luck x
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Eating healthy should start now. Don't beat yourself up for the last few hours. Just have a big drink of water and proceed to a healthy day. If you are not hungry for breakfast it is no big deal - you are fueled. When you get hungry, eat some nutrient dense food (like an egg), then drink a big glass of water and move on.

    When you are preparing dinner tonight, prepare a small, healthy, low-cal but nutritionally dense bedtime snack. That IS the post-dinner eating. Get your mind set right. Any empty calories that are too tempting should be removed or at least put someplace very inconvenient. After that bedtime snack, complete your food log for the day and remind yourself that tomorrows log starts at breakfast. You are done eating. Go to bed. You are not hungry, you are TIRED. If you can't sleep (I frequently have insomnia so can totally relate to being up really late with nothing to do that is quiet. But oh yeah, eating is quiet.....and interesting......) have some pre-chosen activity such as reading a book or soaking in the bathtub. Have your late-night activity already decided so you're not just looking for something to do and finding the snacks.

    Don't beat yourself up. Make a plan and work it. Check back in here and write out your plan!!!
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Change up what you're eating if you "can't seem to stop". (Please see definition of "can't" in my profile)

    Celery. Salad. Keep it as uber light as possible. Drink plenty of water then evaluate and see how much you "can't" eat.

    There's a gallon jug full of water that I tote around the house with me. Whatever room I'm in, the water's there. DRINK!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Flyingjester is right- skimping on food all day is likely what is making you hungry all night- put an end to it now!
  • I am up every night. The kids keep me up - 12month old and the 4 year old - and plan old stress. I eat last night too, but thanks to your replys, I will not do it tonight. thanks guys
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