Help Out a Newbie (please!)

brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
Hi! Got some great advice so far, and I'm getting a feel for my actual strength training plan. It's not much, I realize, but I'm an absolute beginner.

On Tuesday I had my first little session, I did the following moves:
10 Squats (wide stance, I have a big tummy in my way)
10 wall push ups (not a huge workout for many, but I sure felt it)
30 second plank
10 walking lunges (nice and slow, no momentum)

I think I do these moves correctly, and I was able to do 3 rounds all in a row on Tuesday. I was sore to the point of hardly being able to keep myself from toppling down the stairs, and my arms back and shoulders definitely were stiff and painful as well. Thursday I probably could have done arms but definitely not the squats. So I waited until today (seems like a good idea to rest if it hurts pretty significantly)

Today I attempted the same stuff but definitely had diminished ability. I was only able to do 2 rounds, the planks were only 20 seconds (very difficult to hold for the last 5), and my legs were very wobbly for lunges which made me take pause before trying a 3rd round. I do not want to injure myself so early in the game.

Does this sound ok? Did I rest enough or should I have waited one more day from being new to these moves? Am I still preserving my muscle mass if I could only do 2 sets of each (versus the 3 I pushed myself to on Tue)?

Basically, what should my plan be moving forward from today? I'm guessing I won't be as sore, since I didn't do as much work, and perhaps could try again as early as Sunday. Is that a good idea, or should I wait until Tuesday?

I'm doing HIIT cardio programs on my M5 on MWF, and BW on T/Th/Sat or Sunday too. I also have a small selection of weights for upper body but haven't implemented that one yet (mostly a schedule thing, I will figure it out for next week, just in case anyone asks why I'm only doing lower body. It's easy to do at work). Bottom line goal is just to preserve my muscle while I lose weight. I didn't bother before and wonder if it's why I regained.

Thanks in advance!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I started my strength training doing something very similar (Nerd Fitness Beginner Bodyweight program.) I could only do two circuits and 5 lunges and 5 squats on each circuit when I started. I could barely get back up the stairs out of the basement the first time. What really helped me was warming up more. I would walk 10 minutes on the treadmill, do these stretches, do the circuit, and then do the stretches again.

    I would go ahead and do them on Sunday. If you can only do 2 rounds for now, that is perfectly fine. What you are doing now is an improvement over what you were doing a week ago. Think of it that way. Have fun!
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Thanks! It's tough when I feel like my little tiny workout isn't enough, but you're correct that it's certainly more than I was doing. I will keep at it! I am excited to see myself improve. Today was disappointing, I definitely thought I was recovered enough to go again but I will let it go and try more again soon.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Don't be discouraged. When I started working out in January, I was lucky to be able to do 12 minutes on my stationary bike at 15kph. And I was lucky to be able to 1 set of the exercises you listed when I started.

    Take it slow. When you get to the point where you aren't as sore after a workout, add another set the next time.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    capaul42 wrote: »
    Don't be discouraged. When I started working out in January, I was lucky to be able to do 12 minutes on my stationary bike at 15kph. And I was lucky to be able to 1 set of the exercises you listed when I started.

    Take it slow. When you get to the point where you aren't as sore after a workout, add another set the next time.

    Part of my disappointment is that I have done this all before, now about 2 years ago I guess. It's tough to know I could, and now cant. But I also want to do it right, I was way under eating and over exercising the last time around.
  • lopesmartinez
    lopesmartinez Posts: 8 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere . It will get easier as you get stronger. Try some youtube videos . This way you see proper form. I like fitnessblender. It's a guy and girl and they are not intimidating at all.
    Hope this helps
  • mrsjowen1
    mrsjowen1 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2016
    I just started a couple weeks ago and I hadn't worked out in a long time. Like years. I started by doing side bends with 3lb weights (3 sets of 10 each side), leg lifts (20 per side), 30 sec planks, 10-15 squats (until I couldn't take it),and as many crunches as I could muster, curls with the 3lb weights. I was SORE, but only for a day or so. I rested one day between each set and never pushed more than I could handle, just enough to feel that I had worked that area. Then this past week I added gym time. I walked at a moderate pace for 30 min on the treadmill, and did 30min on the stationary bike one day then did the others the next day. I alternated. I'm not gonna lie and say I didnt feel it but not nearly as bad as the first week. And I feel better and I can see a small difference already. Tomorrow when I go go to the gym I'm gonna try for 45 min on the treadmill and increase my speed a bit and add incline on the bike. Might regret it Sunday but gotta stick with it. Just do what you can and push for a little more each time and alternate workouts so you dont stress specific areas. It has worked well for me. By the end of the month I want to start Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Good luck!