80lbs Goal!> Need friends to help motivate me

I had my child 7years ago at 180lbs, then I got into a bad relationship for 3 years and that put me up to 270lbs. I didn't see a point of trying to lose it i was told this is how I am, and always will be.

Now 4 years later I am at 255lbs and gave up soda all together and candy. I want/will lose my 80lbs as a start. I want this so bad.

Any motivation or suggestions will welcome!!


  • billmudge59
    billmudge59 Posts: 8 Member
    Your post encouraged me, if you are taking on that goal, I can surely achieve mine. My only direction is to give yourself a victory every day you stick to your calorie goal. One day at a time with weight loss. Looking at the long-term goal can seem insurmountable at times, especially if you have a set-back. Good luck!
  • iampositivefitness
    iampositivefitness Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I'm on the same journey as you just a different situation, we are the same weight and 80 pounds seems like a great goal. :) I hope you achieve it! Water water water!
  • chookywillow
    chookywillow Posts: 270 Member
    Hi I'm just finding my way round the site. Been logging since Tuesday. I have put on 60 lb in 4 years. Need to lose it and 10 or 20 more. What are you doing diet and exercise wise?
  • cphixo91
    cphixo91 Posts: 15 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm new to mfp and need motivational friends as well. When I had my first daughter I stopped looking at the scale after 220 lbs, I managed to get down to 128 but just had my 2nd daughter 1 month ago and I'm back up to 160. I've been in a bad relationship as well so I know and understand how hard it can be on you, good on you for leaving! I gained a whole lot of weight during that relationship and have struggled with my weight ever since.

    You got this!! The biggest motivator for me was to take progress pics, seeing the changes is what keeps me going.
  • grace5111
    grace5111 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join the challenge to loose 80lbs, how do you join?
  • fitnesscat78
    fitnesscat78 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm on a journey to lose 75 pounds I started at 230 pounds and I'm down to 221 still ways to go but it can be done I'm trying to cut out sweets and soda as well but It's gonna be hard but I know if I just stay focused than it will happen. please feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other.
  • xlgman
    xlgman Posts: 33 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 70 pounds. I'm a big and very tall guy and maxed out at 296. I think if I can get to 230 that would be great. Really hoping that keeping track of my food in this app will re-train me to see food differently. 2 weeks and I'm feeling better so far. Biggest things for me have been protein based snacks between meals (eating something every 2-3 hours) has kept me feeling satisfied but eating fewer calories. Love seeing how the macros track the important nutrients. Let's do this!
  • its_laura_btw
    its_laura_btw Posts: 48 Member
    I'm also looking to drop 80lbs!
    Still in the early stages but going strong!
    I'd love to be friends and we can do this together!