Females trying to lose 20-30lbs

Hello! I am looking for some friends who are in the same boat as me. I have a 12 month old boy, and struggling to lose this baby weight! I just want to get back to my pre pregnacy weight, and to do so i need to lose 30lbs. I've never had to lose this much weight before so I could use some support.
Please send me a friend request so we can do this together!


  • Aymzc
    Aymzc Posts: 159 Member
    I'm trying to lose about the same in time for my wedding in March. I did it 3 years ago and out it all back on. I'm currently doing the couch to 10k app and have completed week1. I've signed up for a 10k in September to give me something to aim for.
  • Aymzc
    Aymzc Posts: 159 Member
    Won't let me send you a request
  • erzsebetba
    erzsebetba Posts: 5 Member
    That's me! I am trying to lose something between 5 and 15 kg. Never happened to me before, so I'm struggling a lot.
  • lilimo123
    lilimo123 Posts: 1 Member
    Me 2 and I been trying for months now I lose like 10 and gained it back my eating is not the best and I need to find my motivation again I was 220 went down to 145 In 5months now I'm at 168
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    this is me too! I've slooooooowly lost 35 pounds since my last daughter was born 2 years ago and I'm determined to pick up the pace and lose my last 20-25lbs THIS SUMMER! (I wanted to have it gone BY this summer, but I'll have to settle for buying all new small FALL clothes and stick to my bigger summer clothes from last year...) Anyway - what do you have in mind for accountability? I was in an "accountability" relationship with a friend where we texted each other pictures of our food, but it was ridiculous, we'd just send each other pics of the crappy choices we were making or not sending pics of the crappy choices...there was no repercussions for making a bad choice... so I'm looking to set something up that is far more accountable... any ideas?
  • Julia10morgan33
    Julia10morgan33 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not sure. I havr the same problem with accountability, I will make good choices one day and the next its all out the window. Maybe weekly weigh in's? I know when I see that the scale hasnt budged or it has gone up that kicks me into gear a little bit
  • MarissaBlevins220
    MarissaBlevins220 Posts: 123 Member
    edited May 2016
    Feel free to add me! I've lost 35 pounds, and am working on losing another 30, always looking for more friends to help motivate me!
    I'm not sure. I havr the same problem with accountability, I will make good choices one day and the next its all out the window. Maybe weekly weigh in's? I know when I see that the scale hasnt budged or it has gone up that kicks me into gear a little bit

  • HoolaHoopsMcGee
    HoolaHoopsMcGee Posts: 2,749 Member
    edited May 2016
    Need to lose at least 20 lbs to help control my type 2 diabetes. I've done it before using MFP so hopefully doing it again will keep me on track to my goal weight. Logging food and exercise is a pain but reeeeally helps.
  • karasuame
    karasuame Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to lose the 35 lbs I gained since moving far from home~ No baby...just fat lol. Add me if you'd like.
  • mamabearkrone
    mamabearkrone Posts: 8 Member
    I'm about the same as you have an almost 12 month old and need to lose thirty or so pounds I've already lost 12!
  • eschang99
    eschang99 Posts: 16 Member
    Add me if you like! I am coming down the home stretch - last 10 lbs of a ~33 lb planned loss!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have an 8 month old, lost the baby weight and then some, still 22ish pounds from goal. I'm here almost every day.
  • Julia10morgan33
    Julia10morgan33 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone, its good to know there are people out there working toward the same goal! I am going to do it this time, I'm not giving up!
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    I originally lost 40 pounds prior to my wedding two years ago. I kept it off for about a year, and then I stopped counting calories and I have gained about 25 of that back...so here I am starting again. To get to my original goal weight...I need to lose the 25 I gained back plus about 10 more. I've been back on the bus for a month with counting calories, and I have signed up to work with a personal trainer. Feel free to add me!
  • jenniferpiotrowski0
    jenniferpiotrowski0 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm looking to lose 26 pounds. My starting weight was 160 pounds,then I lost 10 pounds. Last time I weighed myself I had gained 6 pounds but I thought maybe it was muscle weight cuz I've been exercising and my clothes were feeling looser than they did before. I'm not trying to lose weight in the same way you are as I've never had kids but I want to look slimmer,have more energy,flatten out my stomach and be a healthier weight. Feel free to add me! :)
  • kutechick
    kutechick Posts: 64 Member
    I gained weight after getting married last year. We are going on a family vacation in July and I really need to lose those 30lbs. I'll support you. :)
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Did someone say accountability? Check out our group.. Daily Accountability Group
    Daily check in threads, small (at this point) group of motivated, active women kicking fitness *kitten* looking to grow and meet new people to share the journey with. Come introduce yourself and join in :blush:
