MACROS on the road

Hey there!
Going to be travelling across country in a few weeks and I've recently starting counting macros so I'm not completely comfortable eating out yet or eye-balling my portions. I intend on doing as much meal planning as my trip will allow with stops at local groceries, etc. while minimizing fast food and restaurants as much as possible.
Any suggestions on how to be successful in sticking to it when so many variables are unknown?
Thanks for the help!


  • anarchyfab
    anarchyfab Posts: 4 Member
    Im struggling with the same exact thing and thats why I clicked your topic. Lol. Its really kind of a struggle I travel A LOT for work. And all I can say is prep prep prep. Tsa will allow you to bring food and protein powders on board with you. The hardest problem with traveling isnt making good choices. Its finding foods that aren't overly procesed and packed with fat. Super frustrating cause either you starve cause you cant eat anything or you feel guilty cause your macros are all outta wack.

    Ill keep my eye on this thread. Let me know if you come up with some good strategies.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    The exact macros are not important for each day. Look at a weekly average,
    Get enough protein -- o.k. to go over
    Get enough fats -- o.k. to go over
    Carbs -- o.k. to go over or under because they do not matter one way or another.
    If you are staying in hotels, you can usually get good protein breakfasts of eggs (and bacon) and yogurt.
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    edited May 2016
    ^^eating freely does not apply to everyone for various reasons. As someone who has autoimmune issues, eating above my carb threshold matters because it will cause flare-ups, bloating, and possible gastric distress. It also causes cravings and headaches. Not good things to have on a trip.

    If OP did not want/need to stay to their plan, they wouldn't have asked.

    OP. I'm with you, plan, plan, plan! If possible at least plan where/what type of food you will eat and record it a day ahead. Make sure to plan realistically. I know going on a trip, I will be eating out multiple times. I would love to stay clean and make it all myself, but I really know I won't. I travel with 3 others who want different things, so it's not feasibly possible on the road. Hopefully, you can keep to it but plan for contingencies.

    I would plan for a few meals at a seafood, steak, fast-food restaurant and record what you think they will have on the menu. When you get there adjust what you recorded to what they actually have available. It won't be exact but should keep you on track for staying close to the goals you set. The restaurant chain doesn't matter for planning, only the possible foods available. It also works for groceries.

    I find it really helps me to log my next day's meals the night before. I also carry a cooler premade with my favorite iced (i don't like hot) morning fat coffee so I can begin everyday as I normally would at home. This way my day is not instantly thrown off because of that one change.

    Eta: autocorrect hates me.
  • taraharlow17
    taraharlow17 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! I appreciate all of your input. :-)

    @megemrj I don't HAVE to stay on the plan strictly for health reasons. However, I just began my journey two weeks ago and do not want to see it go down the tubes so soon. The 2nd day I started, I had family come into town for 6 days and it was a struggle to maintain my numbers. This next hurdle begins in 6 weeks and we'll be driving from one coast to another. So, another week of challenges! I do agree with you on planning the night before as I am doing that now. I find it oddly comforting when I know when I wake up what I will get to eat throughout the next day. It takes all the guess work out.

    Since I will be on the road as opposed to flying @anarchyfab maybe I can suck it up and meal prep for those days and grab a cooler and go! Where there's a will, there's a way, right?!

    One time saver I have found is microwaving egg whites. Minute and a half in and I'm on my way. No extra clean up and most all places we are going have at least a microwave. Easy peasy!