Eating well with no money

tonkacrew3 Posts: 51 Member
Does anyone else have trouble eating fruits and veggies due to a severe lack of money? What do you do to stay on track and on budget?


  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Frozen. Buy at the second tier grocers and buy frozen.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Have you a food bank nearby?
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Me, frozen vegetables, and the microwave have become best of friends these days.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Even canned is fine if you can find it cheaper. This is one of the reasons I get so pissed off at the rarified organic crowd. Find a source that is cheap. That's all you need.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    In most rural areas you'll find a small fruit and vegetable stand. Much cheaper than a supermarket.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    Grocery salvage has been a God send. I bought a months worth of food for a family of 4, organic meals, meats, gourmet cheeses, fruits and veggies, snacks, cereals, juices etc. for 90 dollars... Look and see if there is one in your area! Other things are learning stores days and where they put specials and mark downs. I can get a bag of organic apples for 99 cents, or 6 lbs of chicken for 49 cents a lb. Stuff like that. Yes, freezer is your friend! Also, food banks can be very helpful. Good luck!
  • Panda_Poptarts
    Panda_Poptarts Posts: 971 Member
    In most rural areas you'll find a small fruit and vegetable stand. Much cheaper than a supermarket.

    To add onto this, the folks you see selling bags of apples / beans / potatoes / oranges on the side of the road are typically offering a serious steal over supermarket prices. Pull over and buy some when you can.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    We often buy veggies and fruits frozen.
    Cheap fresh veggies include cabbage, onions, apples.
    Depending on where you live, some fresh fruits are coming in season and will be on sale.
    My favorite foods are garbanzo beans, lentils, eggs.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Carrots, celery, radishes, cabbage, apples, oranges etc all stay fresh for a very long time when refrigerated.
    Buy dried beans, rice and lentils, inexpensive and make a lot. Frozen fruit and vegetables are a good choice as well.
    I have been at this for over 4 years and have found I save quite a bit of money now on food. Shop sales. I buy in bulk, cook large quantities and freeze individual portions for later. Prep on weekends. It takes more time, but is definitely cheaper this way. You just have to make the time. I work very long hours M-F and some weekends, 45 minute commute one way and go to the gym everyday. Rarely go to restaurants or fast food any more. It doesn't have to be more expensive.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    Not sure where you live, do you have 99cent stores around? They have a lot of fruit, veggies, bread, spices, condiments etc.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Congratz on the weight loss so far! Really good responses here. I eat cheaply myself, almost always. Would just add priorities to keep in mind:

    1. make sure your calories are coming in right for your plan
    2. get your macros as close as possible. ie: a. enough protein, b. plenty of fat
    3. don't sweat the rest. If you get those two locked in, you can reach any body goal and be healthy.
  • tinywonder25
    tinywonder25 Posts: 148 Member
    That is incredible! I grew up on welfare so my mom just felt lucky enough to feed a family of 3 on it. Now I'm a SAHM so we're a single income and my husband doesn't make that much but we make food out priority. I think the first thing is to get out of the mind set that healthy is expensive. You hear it everywhere but it's simply isn't true. Do you have to be more creative? Yes. Do you have to do the leg work and plan ahead? Definitely. But you have to do that stuff anyway when money is tight! I like the food bank ideA a lot . My church grows organic food and hands it out at the food bank! Congrats on chising your health and the health of your family!
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Have you a food bank nearby?

    From experience, food banks generally don't have healthy fare on hand. I always got a lot of mac n cheese, dry cereal, hot dogs...

    However, if you get food stamps, you can actually use them to purchase food bearing trees a, plants, and seeds. You can grow tomatoes pretty easily, strawberries, lettuce and spinach. :)
  • nixxthirteen
    nixxthirteen Posts: 280 Member
    I price match a lot, and shop at a low budget grocery store.

    I stock up on meat that is expiring soon, and have a freezer full. One thing I love to do is get a pound of ground meat (turkey, beef, or beef/pork blend - whatever is cheapest at the time), 2 cans kidney beans, 2 cans black beans, 2 cans diced tomatoes, 1 package mushrooms, and 2 packets chili mix. This makes a crazy amount of chili, that I simmer in my slow cooker and freeze in portions.

    On weeks where it's more famine than feast, I buy only produce that is on sale. Otherwise, frozen does the trick. I bought a metal strainer with a handle at the dollar store, and it makes a great steamer basket over a pot of boiling water. Frozen veg steams up great in it :).

    Rice is another good one. A huge bag of jasmine rice on sale costs me around $9.88 and lasts 6months or more in my house.

    Canned tuna when it goes down to $0.97 a can.

    Just snagged 8 chicken drumsticks for $3.50 on sale. My grocery store had too many frozen turkeys after xmas, and I got one for $4. Beef roasts are cheap on sale. Small pork tenderloins are sometimes less than $2. The key is to stock up BEFORE you need it.
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    check out store loyalty programs too. this week i get $5 worth of free berries when I spend $10 before tax. The bagged store brand frozen veggies, mixed, green beans, broccoli, etc. are on sale for $.79 a bag (9-12oz). Pork tenderloin is $1.99/lb so I know what I will be having at least once this week.