Help with Insanity Max 30

So I am in week 2 of Insanity Max 30 and my diet and it has shred 8 lbs so far.
My question is, who else is doing it or has done it and can't stop taking breaks throughout the video? I know even the trainers take breaks but it kicks my @$$ and my legs and calfs feel like death. I have got through all of them but just wanted to know.
Also looking for motivational pals to keep each other accountable for diet and exercise purposes. :)


  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    I did the program. My calves were sore the first couple of days. I had just finished T25 so endurance wise I did well. Great job pushing through - take as many breaks as you need! That's actually how the program is designed - if you're not needing breaks then the program likely isn't challenging enough!
    For the record I absolutely HATED this program. I loved T25 and I'm thankful that I did that program first. :smiley:
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    You're supposed to. You are doing a video that features fitness professionals or otherwise very athletic people demonstrating the workout for you. You are not supposed to keep up rep for rep your first, or second time around unless you're already in good enough shape to not need to do a workout video.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    Im doing max 30 for the second time. I did it a year ago when I was in much better shape. This time it is harder getting back into it so I'm modifying a lot and taking 1-2 breaks. Its about doing your best and improving.
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    Make sure you are stretching more than just the 2 minutes at the end, and add calve stretches everyday. I technically finish this week but will be doing an extra half week so will do the last fit test next wednesday. It is difficult! the Friday fight round 2 I can still only make it about 5-6 minutes without my first break (yes, that is about 1 minute after the warm up ends), and I'm in pretty decent shape. Feel free to friend me if you want
  • josser1978
    josser1978 Posts: 20 Member
    Today I start my journey with Max 30 !!!! Any tips will be gratefully received!! Eating breakfast was hard enough I`m sure the workout is going to destroy me tonight!!!
  • Yivs_87
    Yivs_87 Posts: 246 Member
    Loved the program. Certainly my favorite home video. *nods*

    The only tip I can give is - don't compete with the guys on the video xD They are professionals, and chances are you are not. Take as many breaks as you need. I personally would stop at any moment when I couldn't breathe. Let the video go, and then would jump back into it. If the break was just a small one to catch my breath, sip water.

    Ah, and be careful - I'd recommend additional warm up and post-workout stretching. *nods* Might save you from some DOMs and possible injuries.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Well the whole angle of the "Max" 30 workouts is to "Max Out". Which means to go all out until either your form breaks, you need to rest, or fail an exercise. Then the next time you do the video you try and beat your previous time of Maxing out. And this is how you progress rather then trying to pace yourself through the video. Shaun T is adamant the entire time not to pace yourself. Go hard until you fail, then focus on completing as much of the vids as you can. If you have to pause and rest after you Max Out that's fine. I found the Max 30 vids were ridiculously hard on my calfs. The warm up is very brief and doesn't have enough variance like the original Insanity warm ups. Any Shaun T program is a big issue on my calfs, just have to constantly stretch them before, during, and after the vids.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    I've gone through the original Insanity as well as Max 30. In the original there were breaks every 2-3 minutes in almost every workout.

    In Max 30 the breaks are every 5 minutes and more. Shaun T WANTS you to max out! The idea is to take your break and get back into it as quickly as you can to get your body used to working recovery.

    I consider myself pretty well conditioned, and I typically still have to take 4 or 5 unscheduled breaks of 5-10 seconds during these workouts (Power Jumps absolutely destroy me!).

    Sometimes instead of a break I'll do the modifier instead, or just slow way down. Keep it up!
  • BrettieBooBoo
    BrettieBooBoo Posts: 24 Member
    I'm on my second round of max 30. First round I lost 12 pounds..
    I have done the original as well I love me some Shaun t! Good motivator!!! Keep pushing:)
  • sarochka85
    sarochka85 Posts: 103 Member
    It's easily my favourite cardio set ever. However, it needs to be supplemented with some weights for best results. :)
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Congratulations on starting your journey. I have been using this program consistently for 17 months. It is my staple and I love it. Taking breaks of various lengths is normal. The real important thing is to try and do each exercise and correctly as you possibly can. Perfect form and full range of motion trumps not taking breaks and speed. Also landing softly when you jump and lunge is something I cannot over emphasize. Prevention of any kind of injury should always be on the mind.
    Once you are confident that you are strict with your moves, then work on number of reps per 30 second segment and try to beat your last number from the last time you did that particular day. The breaks will naturally become less and shorter.
    With some of them you even treat it like you would sessions of sprinting. There are all sorts of things you can do with this program. Just find what works for you and stay safe!