Working Out with Disabilities/Chronic Pain

Is anyone else working out with a permanent injury/disability or chronic pain?

I get frustrated when my back flairs up and am wondering if anyone else has similar issues and how they manage it.

I love the burn of exercise but its hard to achieve when sharp burming pain flairs up. I'm working with someone now but really would be happy if I could just walk everyday and do yoga a couple days a week.

I used to push through but then ended up worse.


  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    I have Spina Bifida and walk on crutches. My legs are weak (I don't have a lot of muscle strength from the waist down), and I'm paralyzed from the ankles down. I used to have a lot of hip, lower back and shoulder pains, but since I started lifting weights and strengthening my core and legs as much as I can, I am virtually pain free. Walking has helped my hip and lower back pain as well. The more I move, the better I feel.

    Probably not helpful to you, but that's my experience.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Plenty of people here dealing with the

    I deal with joint/tendon issues to an autoimmune disease which took me over five years just to do yoga.

    Have patience, you'll find your notch on what you can do.
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    I have issues with joint problems. I currently need a hip replacement, spinal fusion, and rotator cuff repair. My hip/back ortho has limited me to swimming, which helps with the pain quite a bit. Plus every pound I lose puts off the surgeries for a little while longer.
  • LisaLisaE33
    LisaLisaE33 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all. All the posts help. I think I am just frustrated. When I think I found the nitch I get set back and each set back makes me not want to try again or move which creates stiffness and makes it worse. I do okay most of the time but after years of struggling have a hard time with this will be the case for the rest of my life.

    I have an unstable pelvis and SI joint damage.

    Mom22 - Your post does help it reminds me movement is important.