40 somethings with young children

Is there anyone else out there in their 40's, working full time, with young children? I have two girls, 4 yrs and 18 months. I'm looking for other mother's I can relate to.

It's often difficult to juggle it all... finding time to workout, be productive at work and then come home and be an active and engaged mother and wife.

I don't have the energy of a 20 or 30 year old and find myself sometimes having to compromise one thing for another in order to keep my sanity and conciousness. (I can no longer operate on less than 6 hours of sleep like I used to)

Does anyone else struggle with this?


  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    no one really?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    We all struggle with it but it's not an excuse not to eat right. Your family will benefit from it as well.
    It just takes a little work on your part. My advice is educate yourself on healthy eating. Look online for healthy recipes. Take a day and go to the store and read lables! Look for healthy snacks, Popcorn, Peanut butter and apple, Berries and yogurt, 40 cal fugde pops, Fat Free Pudding, Spicy Hummus with Veggies or whole wheat crackers and String Cheese. Don't buy things that will tempt you. You will not have the will power to resist. Buy a food scale and watch portions. Limit processed and fast foods. Cook fresh Veggies and Meats. If you cook all your meats on one day you can freeze it and have it for the week, then you will only have to make the veggies, salad, and a little starch, Wild rice, barley, whole wheat pasta or potato. Watch portions for carbs. They are not bad in the right portion. Limit sauces and gravies. Make fresh and Frozen veggies without sauces, add a little olive oil and garlic or other spice and roast or grill them. Smart Balance instead of Butter. Eat whole grain Low carb Low Cal Breads and Pasta. Fresh Fruits. Did I say watch Portions. In the beginning it will be hard to get over cravings. But if you stick with it you will. Don't drink your calories. Did I say watch portions. Oh and watch portions.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    Thank you dls06, I appreciate the advice, however, I am already a healthy eater and have been for many many years. My children are also very healthy eaters, most times preferring heathy options choosing things like fruit over cookies, milk instead of juice, and the one that made me proudest... salad instead of chicken nuggets (really!)

    I am really looking to find someone out there who is in the same boat with me... young children are exhausting and being an "older" mother definitely makes it more difficult at times. Young mothers (naturally) have more energy and moms my age with older children do not have the same energy expenditure that I do in terms of care (my children cannot get themselves up, dressed, fed, etc. without my constant attention and/or help). I am looking to find others like me to offer support and advice.

    It is important for me to stay healthy as I want to be able to be there to help my children with their children. My own mother has struggled with serious health issues for several years and has not been able to help me at all with my children. She was not able to hold them when they were born and cannot be very active in their lives. She never made health a priority in her life and I am paying the consequence of that too.

    Again, really just looking for people in a similar situation to offer support and encouragment.

    Is anyone out there or am I really alone?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Maybe post this later in the day when more people are on. I can't believe you have not had any replys. It must mean all the Moms are busy or at work. If you live in the USA I would Post it again at 6:00pm and again around 9:00pm. I think that is when a lot of busy Moms are able to go on. Good luck.
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    I actually thought about that after I posted it the first time... I am able to log on from work and from my phone, but not everyone can do that. I will probably try again this evening...
  • liatrus
    liatrus Posts: 3
    Me Me! Although I am 38, Ive 'lived' a lot of life.

    4yo son who is a wonderful handful
    Work FT
    Spouse works FT
    Me Time? What's that???
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    Yay Liatrus! So glad to find you! I will "friend" you later this evening :happy:
  • GreekAngela
    GreekAngela Posts: 2 Member
    I feel for you. I'm turning 40 later this year, and I have two beautiful girls, around the same ages as yours - 4 and almost 2. I work full-time and have no family in the area to help out. It is SO true what you say about energy levels - I am perpetually tired! I'm not sure I have any advice, I can only tell you what I do. I dedicate three days a week (a good half hour) to exercise, and I make sure I get out on those days, come hell or high water. Sometimes it involves juggling my work schedule a bit (going in a bit later, and leaving later), but I have the kind of job that allows me that flexibility. Even if I don't feel great on those three days, I will get out and take a brisk walk, sometimes bringing the "baby" with me in the stroller. Or I'll do a session, at home, of pilates (with handy-dandy pilates DVDs). On days I feel good, I swim or I get out on my bike (I just got a bike, hadn't been on one in 25 years and I love it). I won't lie, there are some days when my youngest whines and complains when I'm heading out the door, but I grit my teeth and do it, because I know in the end it is better for everyone involved. It helps that my husband is supportive. On the meal prep end, we do a lot of crock pot cooking during the week, which helps with having healthier meals on hand with minimal effort. And I try to dedicate Sunday nights to cooking one or two dishes (but big batches) for the girls that they like, and parse those out during the week along with the crock pot cooking. I don't know if this helps or not, but thought I'd share. Rest assured, lots of tired older mamas out there like you, struggling with the same issues...
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    giving this another try... is there anyone else?
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
  • GreekAngela
    GreekAngela Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there, not sure whether you saw my post - hope you did! Good luck with everything and know you're not alone:)
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    Hi Greek Angela,

    Yes, I intended to respond last night, but got distracted by a crying child and never got back (hence the cryptic "b" I accidently posted last night)

    Totally agree... meal planning and crock pots are the way to go. I'm lost at the grocery store without my meal planner :) I also do a lot of cooking on Sunday...

    Unfortunately, my husband often travels and I am left on my own with the girls so working out becomes the thing I most have to juggle and/or give up depending on how the uncontrollables in my life panned out for the day... after lying awake in bed for 2 hours in the middle of the night, did I change my alarm to go off at 6:00 instead of 5:00 because one of my children woke me up in the middle of the night and I couldn't get back to sleepi. Did the kids nap at daycare or are they super crabby and unable to play happily while I get in a quick workout? Are they so hungry they can't see straight and I need to get dinner on the minute we walk in the door? Was traffic horrible and I picked them up a half hour later than I usually do? Did my boss call me at 5:00 and keep me on the phone for a 1/2 hour because she is in a different time zone and isn't considerate enough to think I might want to get home to my kids?

    I'm sure you get the point...

    Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts and ideas...